The Cup

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Jace, Clary, and Simon came back with Jason the two boys ended up in the infirmary. I heard Clary say "If I leave, she leaves because I am her sister. And you can rant all you want about honor and honesty and how mundanes don't have any of either, but if you were honest, you'd admit this tantrum is just because you're in love with him. It doesn't have anything to do with..." I ran, Isabelle and Jason hot on my trail as Alec shoved her against the wall so hard her head bounced off and made an audible crack. Alec hissed out "Don't you ever, ever, say anything like that to him, or ill kill you. I swear on the Angel, I'll kill you. And she is my sister too, her father lives here, this is her home." Jason pulled him off her and I pushed his chest making him back away as I said "What the hell is going on here!" 

Clary said "Ask him." before I could he stalked back into the infirmary. I shook my head and looked at her, she said "If he didn't hate me before, he does now." I said "I have had it with you two. If I have to choose between you and Alec, it will be neither of you. This is petty childish bullshit and needs to stop." Izzy said, "You good?" I said, "Yeah go talk with him because I'm serious." I went to my room, Jason followed me and said "Are you sure you're ok?" I sat on my bed "Im just frustrated." he said "That's understandable, let me help." I said, "How can you help?" He said "Here, lay on your stomach." I watched him warily and he said "Trust me." so I laid on my stomach. He said, "Ok I am going to untie your top and unclip your bra, you will stay covered but if you get uncomfortable, to tell me, and I will stop." I hesitantly nodded, and so he untied my top and unclipped my bra as he said he would, then he opened my bottle of lotion that was on my bed from earlier and used it to massage my back making me groan. I had never had a massage before but damn it felt good and relaxing. I was almost asleep when he slipped a silk nightgown over my head and pulled it down before pulling the dagger, bracelet, boots, and skirt off me and covering me up. My top and bra fell off the second he moved me. He kissed my head and said "Goodnight Beautiful." I mumbled "Night night handsome." and promptly fell asleep.

I was sitting at the table, at an ungodly hour, in my silk nightgown. Why do you ask? Because Jace and Clary decided to wake us all up and told us that my mom hid the cup in a tarot card. And that Clary can pull objects out of paper. Alec said, "I don't really see what any of this has to do with us, I thought the search for the Cup was in the hands of the Clave now." Jace said, " It's just better if we do this ourselves, Hodge and I already discussed it and that's what we decided." Isabelle said "Well. I'm game. Tia?" I shrugged "Yeah sure, why so early though?" she laughed Alec said "I'm not, There are operatives of the Clave in this city right now looking for the Cup. Pass the information on to them and let them get it." Jace said "It's not that simple," Alec said "It is simple. This has nothing to do with us and everything to do with your... your addiction to danger."

Jace shook his head, clearly exasperated. "I don't understand why you're fighting me on this. Look, Dorothea... the owner of the Sanctuary... doesn't trust the Clave. Hates them, in fact. She does trust us." Clary pointed to me and her saying "She trusts us, I don't know about you. I'm not sure she likes you at all." Jace ignored her "Come on, Alec. It'll be fun. And think of the glory if we bring the Mortal Cup back to Idris! Our names will never be forgotten." Alec said "I don't care about glory, I care about not doing anything stupid." then pointed at me and said, "Tia don't even think of it." I held my hands up in surrender as Hodge said "In this case, however, Jace is right, If the Clave were to come to the Sanctuary, it would be a disaster. Dorothea would flee with the Cup and would probably never be found. No, Jocelyn clearly wanted only two people to be able to find the Cup, and that is Clary and Catia alone." Alec said "Then let her go alone,"

Jace said "If you're afraid of a few Forsaken, by all means, stay home," Alec went white "I'm not afraid," Jace said "Good, Then there's no problem, is there? We're all in this together." Isabelle said "Sure, It sounds fun." Clary said, "I don't know about fun, But I'm in, of course." Hodge quickly said "But, girls, If you are concerned about the danger, you don't need to go. We can notify the Clave..." Clary said "No, our mom wanted us to find it. Not Valentine, and not them, either. If she spent her whole life trying to keep Valentine away from this thing, this is the least we can do." he said, "I think she knew you would say that." Isabelle said "Don't worry, anyway, You'll both be fine. We can handle a couple of Forsaken. They're crazy, but they're not very smart." Jace said "And a lot easier to deal with than demons, Not so tricksy. Oh, and we're going to need a car, Preferably a big one." 

Isabelle said "Why? We've never needed a car before." Jace said "We've never had to worry about having an immeasurably precious object with us before. I don't want to haul it on the L train," Isabelle said "There are taxis And rental vans." Jace shook his head. "I want an environment we control. I don't want to deal with taxi drivers or mundane rental companies when we're doing something this important." Alec looked at me and Clary "Don't you both have a driver's license or a car? I thought all mundanes had those." Clary said "Not when they're fourteen and fifteen, I was supposed to get one this year, but not yet. And she can't until next year." Alec said "Fat lot of use you are." She shot back at him "At least my friends can drive, Simon's got a license." Jace said, "Does he?" She quickly added "But he hasn't got a car," Jace said "So does he drive his parents' car?" Clary sighed as I said "No. Usually, he drives Eric's van to gigs and stuff. Sometimes Eric lets him borrow it for other stuff. Like if he has a date." Jace said "He picks up his dates in a van? No wonder he's such a hit with the ladies."

Clary said, "It's a car, You're just mad Simon has something you haven't got." I rolled my eyes, Jace must have said something I missed because Clary said "You know, most psychologists agree that hostility is just sublimated sexual attraction." Jace said, "Ah, that might explain why I so often run into people who seem to dislike me." Alec quickly added "I don't dislike you," Jace said "That is because we share a brotherly affection," then grabbed the phone and held it out to Clary "Call him." Clary said "Call who? Eric? He'd never lend me his car." Jace said, "Simon, Call Simon and ask him if he'll drive us to your house." Clary said, "Don't you know any Shadowhunters who have cars?" Jace said "In New York? Look, everyone's in Idris for the Accords; and anyway, they'd insist on coming with us. It's this or nothing."

She called Simon and he agreed, so after breakfast, we all went to get ready. I got out of the shower and looked down at my birthmark, it was on my thigh. The weird thing is, the more I look at it, the more it looks like a rune. There was a knock on my door so I said "Who is it?" I heard back "Izzy." I quickly pulled my pink leggings on and said "Come in." she said, "Please tell me you're not wearing that." I said "Whats wrong with it?" She said, "Shadowhunters wear black, or other dark colors." I said "Fine you choose something." and tossed her my bag. 

She dug through it and then tossed me an outfit saying "Get dressed and meet in the library." I nodded and she left my room. I took off my leggings and ran my finger over the mark. I got thrown into a memory I didn't know I had.


"What the hell is on her thigh?"  A woman I have never seen before was standing in front of mom, with her hands crossed in front of my chest. The woman said "Relax Jocelyn, you know what it is." my mother was pissed "Why did you do it, Tessa? She isn't even old enough." The woman Tessa said "Because, Magnus isn't doing too well with her, and you made me her godmother so I wanted to make sure she was protected. And your right 9 isn't old enough but I was careful and I used Jem to help." mom said, "What am I supposed to do now?" Tessa said "Jocelyn, you know I love this little girl, she reminds me of my Lucie." my mother smiled "How so?"  Tessa smiled lovingly down at me "She is a writer, and she has amazing stories just like Lucie, also she is very straightforward, she sees the beauty in everything Jocelyn and you need to nurture that. Your ancestor Matthew was actually in love with Lucie, but she wasn't into him like that." Mom said, "Yeah, wasn't Matthew parabatai with your son James?" Tessa nodded, "He was. You see Magnus in a few days, just tell Catibear that it's a birthmark." I looked up at her and said "Do you have to leave aunt Resa?" she kissed my head and said, "Yes Catibear but ill be back, I promise." 

I shook my head from the thoughts and quickly got dressed in the black ripped leggings, Black skirt, and black cropped long sleeve Isabelle picked out for me. Then I paired them with my docs, I put my bracelet on my wrist and strapped the dagger to my thigh under the skirt before running to the library. I walked in and Isabelle said, "There you are, what took so long?" I said, "Sorry, I got distracted." Clary said, "With what?" I said "It's nothing. Just a memory surfaced. Are we ready to go?" they agreed and we headed outside to meet up with Simon.  

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