Madame Dorothea

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Clary sat down "Wow, This looks great." she said "Have some tea, Milk? Sugar?" Clary said "Sugar." I said, "Just plain please." Jace examined the plate of sandwiches and then took a bite and said "Cucumber," she said, "I always think cucumber sandwiches are just the thing for tea, don't you?" I picked one up and bit into it, it was really good as Jace said "I hate cucumber," and handed it to Clary so she could eat it. Clary said "Cucumber and bergamot, Is there anything else you hate that we ought to know about?" he looked over the rim of his teacup at Dorothea and said "Like Tia, I hate Liars." she set the pot down and said "You can call me a liar all you like. It's true, I'm not a witch. But my mother was." he choked on his tea "That's impossible." 

I took a sip as Clary said "Why impossible?" Clary asked curiously. She took a sip of her tea. It was bitter, strongly flavored with a peaty smokiness." he said "Because they're half-human, half-demon. All witches and warlocks are crossbreeds. And because they're crossbreeds, they can't have children. They're sterile." Clary said, "Like mules, Mules are sterile crossbreeds."

Jace said "Your knowledge of livestock is astounding, All Downworlders are in some part demon, but only warlocks are the children of demon parents. It's why their powers are the strongest." I said "Vampires and werewolves... they're part demon too? And faeries?" He said "Vampires and werewolves are the results of diseases brought by demons from their home dimensions. Most demon diseases are deadly to humans, but in these cases, they worked strange changes on the infected, without actually killing them. And faeries..." Dorothea said "Faeries are fallen angels, cast down out of heaven for their pride." he said "That's the legend, It's also said that they're the offspring of demons and angels, which always seemed more likely to me. Good and evil, mixing together. Faeries are as beautiful as angels are supposed to be, but they have a lot of mischief and cruelty in them. And you'll notice most of them avoid midday sunlight..."

Dorothea spoke as if it was an old rhyme "For the devil has no power, except in the dark." Jace scowled as Clary said "Supposed to be'? You mean angels don't..." she said "Enough about angels, It's true that warlocks can't have children. My mother adopted me because she wanted to make sure there'd be someone to attend this place after she was gone. I don't have to master magic myself. I have only to watch and guard." I said "Guard what?" she said "What indeed?" then winked at me before reaching toward the empty plate, she chuckled "It's good to see a young woman eat her fill. In my day, girls were robust, strapping creatures, not twigs like they are nowadays." Clary said "Thanks." and set her teacup down, instantly Dorothea grabbed it Clary said "What? Did I crack the cup or something?" Jace said "She's reading your tea leaves," Clary said, "Is it bad?" She said "It is neither bad nor good. It is confusing. Give me your cup." Jace said "But I'm not done with my..."

she snatched it and dumped it out peering into it and saying "I see violence in your future, a great deal of bloodshed by you and others. You'll fall in love with the wrong person. Also, you have an enemy." Jace said "Only one? That's good news." she said "Catia?" I handed her my empty cup and she shook her head and picked up Clary's trying to look into both of them "There is nothing for me to read here. The images are jumbled, meaningless. Is there a block in your minds?" I said "A what?" she said, "Like a spell that might conceal a memory, or might have blocked out your Sight." Clary said, "No, of course not." Jace said "Don't be so hasty, It's true that they claim not to remember ever having had the Sight before this week. Maybe..." Clary snapped "Maybe we're just late developers, And don't leer at me, just because I said that." he said, "I wasn't going to." I said "You were working up to a leer, we could tell." he said "Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not right. Something's blocking your memories, I'm almost sure of it." she said "Very well, let's try something else. Slide your hand over these until you touch one that feels hot or cold or seems to cling to your fingers. Then draw that one and show it to me." 

Clary did as told, Dorothea said "The Ace of Cups. The love card." Clary and I looked at it and I noticed mom had painted it Clary said "This is a good car right?" Dorothea said "Not necessarily. The most terrible things men do, they do in the name of love, but it is a powerful card. What does it mean to you?" Clary dropped it on the table "That our mother painted it, she did, didn't she?" Dorothea nodded with satisfaction "She painted the whole pack. A gift for me." Jace said "So you say. How well did you know the girls' mother?" Clary said "Jace you don't have to..." she said "Jocelyn knew what I was, and I knew what she was. We didn't talk about it much. Sometimes she did favors for me... like paint this pack of cards... and in return, id tell her the occasional piece of Downworld gossip. There was a name she asked me to keep an ear out for, and I did." Jace said, "What name was that?" 

Dorothea said "Valentine." Clary said, "But that's..." Jace said "And when you say you knew what Jocelyn was, what do you mean? What was she?" she said "Jocelyn was what she was, But in her past, she'd been like you. A Shadowhunter. One of the Clave." Clary whispered "No," and I gasped she said "It's true. She chose to live in this house precisely because..." Jace said "Because this is a Sanctuary, Isn't it? Your mother was a Control. She made this space, hidden, protected... it's a perfect spot for Downworlders on the run to hideout. That's what you do, isn't it? You hide criminals here." she said "You would call them that, You're familiar with the motto of the Covenant?" Jace said "Sed lex dura lex, The Law is hard, but it is the Law." she said "Sometimes the Law is too hard. I know the Clave would have taken me away from my mother if they could. You want me to let them do the same to others?" Jace said "So you're a philanthropist. I suppose you expect me to believe that Downworlders don't pay you handsomely for the privilege of your Sanctuary?" she said "We can't all get by on our looks like you." I said "Is our last name even Fray?" she said "No. It's Fairchild." Jace said "But..." and with that, I was done and I ran from the room, out the door, and down the street.

I made it to the institute to see Alec and Isabelle coming outside, I ran right into their arms and cried. Alec picked me up and they took me inside and laid me on my bed. Isabelle said, "Tia, what happened?" While crying I said, "My whole life is a lie." Isabelle put the box I held against my chest, on the nightstand so she could lay next to me, Alec laid on my other side both hugging me. Alec said, "What did you learn?" I said, "Our memories are probably blocked, my mom was a shadowhunter named Jocelyn Fairchild..." Alec said "Fairchild? Like Valentine's wife?" that made me cry more "She married a murderer?" Isabelle glared at him and said "No... shhh... we don't know that. Just breathe." Alec said "Izzy's right, why don't we go ask Hodge if he knows who she is?" I nodded and after I stopped crying and cleaned my face we went to the library. Hodge said, "What can I help you, kids, with?" 

I said "Madame Dorothea said my mom's real name was Jocelyn Fairchild, we..." he was shocked "Jocelyn is alive?" I said "What do you mean?" he said, "Remember when I told you Valentine died?" I nodded "Yeah, he burned himself, his family, his wife, and his child." Hodge said, "Or so we thought, but Jocelyn Fairchild was his wife." he handed me a book "This is the life of the Fairchilds, if you have questions ill be in the greenhouse." I nodded and Isabelle said, "Im gonna cook dinner." I said "Alec you don't have to stay with me." he said, "You sure?" I nodded so he left as well. I sat down to read.

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