Brother Jeremiah

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Clary looked at Jace, appalled. "You want to give us to them?" Jace said "I want them to help you. Maybe we don't get to look for the Cup, Maybe the Clave will do that. But what's in your mind belongs to you. Someone's hidden secrets there, secrets you can't see. Don't you want to know the truth about your own life?" She said "I don't want someone else inside my head," I said "Clary don't be dramatic, mom lied our entire lives, what else did she lie about? I'll do it." Jace said, "Come on, Tia is going and I'll go with you, I'll stay with you while they do it." Simon was pissed "That's enough Leave her alone." Alec said, "What are you still doing here, mundane?" Simon ignored him "I said, leave her alone." Jace said "Alec is right, The Institute is sworn to shelter Shadowhunters, not their mundane friends. Especially when they've worn out their welcome." Isabelle pushed me over so I was leaning on Alec and not her, she stood up and took his arm "I'll show him out." he was gonna argue till he saw Clary's don't look and let Isabelle lead him out.

Clary stood up. "I'm tired, I want to go to sleep." Jace said "You've hardly eaten anything..." she said, "I'm not hungry." She handed me my bag and said "It's the one from Luke's." before walking out. I traced my name 'Catia Pheobe' then said "Yeah I should probably sleep too." Alec said, "Come on, ill walk you." I got up and followed him out, as we walked to my room he said "Are you doing ok?" I said, "No, this is a lot to take in." Once we reached my door he said "Do you want me to send in Isabelle?" I said "This is gonna sound weird but I feel safer with you and Isabelle, I was wondering... I mean you don't..." He said, "Did you want both of us tonight?" I shyly nodded "He said, "Ok, ill get Izzy, we'll call it a sibling sleepover and you can be our new little sister." I smiled "Really?" he nodded and left to get Isabelle." I got ready for bed and then Isabelle and Alec came in ready for bed. She said, "I was told it's sleepover time." I nodded and she squealed and clapped jumping on the bed with me causing me to giggle. We laid as we did earlier, with me in between them and I fell right to sleep. 

I woke up to Jace nudging me I mumbled "What?" he said, "Sorry to interrupt the slumber party but A Silent Brother wants to talk to you and Clary." I nodded as Alec said, "Alright, she is getting up, now go away." Jace chuckled but walked out anyway. I was gonna fall back to sleep but Isabelle said "Don't keep him waiting." I groaned but got up and headed into the bathroom. I quickly showered and dressed in Black Leggings, a maroon skirt, a black cami, and a black and maroon checked button-up which I tied up, then brushed my hair and threw it into two french braids. Finally, I threw on my black Docs and headed out the door. Clary said, "There's the sister I know and love." We headed to the library and once we arrived it was dark only lit by the high windows. Hodge said "This, is Brother Jeremiah of the Silent City. And these, Jeremiah, are the girls I wrote to you about. Clarissa and Catia Fray." he turned toward us making my blood run cold Clary said "Hello," he was a hooded figure, his cloak went from neck to feet and his hood hid his face completely, he moved so silently like he wasn't even here. 

Hodge said "I decided you were right, Jace," Jace said, "I was right, I usually am." Hodge ignored him "I sent a letter to the Clave about all this last night, but their memories are their own. Only they can decide how they want to deal with the contents of their own head. If they want the help of the Silent Brothers, they should have that choice." I said, "I said last night I would, that hasn't changed." I heard Jeremiah's words echo in my head These are Jocelyn's daughters?" Hodge said, "Yes, but their fathers though not the same were both mundanes." Jeremiah said, "That does not matter, The blood of the Clave is dominant." Clary said "Why did you call our mother Jocelyn? Did you know her?" Hodge said, "The Brothers keep records on all members of the Clave, Exhaustive records..." Jace said, "Not that exhaustive if they didn't even know she was still alive." 

Jeremiah said "It is likely that she had the assistance of a warlock in her disappearance. Most Shadowhunters cannot so easily escape the Clave." Clary said "There's something I don't understand, Why would Valentine think our mom had the Mortal Cup? If she went through so much trouble to disappear, as you said, then why would she bring it with her?" Hodge said "To keep him from getting his hands on it, She above all people would have known what would happen if Valentine had the Cup. And I imagine she didn't trust the Clave to hold on to it. Not after Valentine got it away from them in the first place." Clary said, "I guess." Hodge said "Jocelyn turned against her husband when she found out what he intended to do with the Cup, It's not unreasonable to assume she would do everything in her power to keep the Cup from falling into his hands. The Clave themselves would have looked first at her if they'd thought she was still alive."

Clary seemed irritated "It seems to me, that no one the Clave thinks is dead is ever actually dead. Maybe they should invest in dental records." Jace was also irritated but at Clary "My father's dead, I don't need dental records to tell me that." Clary said, "Look, I didn't mean..." Jeremiah interrupted their squabble "That is enough, there is truth to be learned here if you are patient enough to listen to it." he flipped off his hood making me take a small step back, being told what they look like is nowhere near as scary as actually looking at them." Jeremiah said, "The Brothers of the Silent City do not lie, If you want the truth from me, you shall have it, but I shall ask of you the same in return." Clary said, "We aren't liars either." He said "The mind cannot lie. It is your memories I want." he moved toward us Clary panicked "Wait..." Hodge said "Clary. It's entirely possible that there are memories you and Catia have buried or repressed, memories formed when you were too young to have a conscious recollection of them, that Brother Jeremiah can reach. It could help us a great deal." She stayed silent.

Jace said, "She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do, Does she?" Clary said "It's all right. I'll do it." He nodded "Which sister first?" We looked at each other and I said "Me first." before she could. He put his hand on my face and I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. I felt pressure like something was pulling me, I first tried to pull from it but it felt like I was being crushed so instead, I let it pull me. 


I was 3 years old, a tall man with the same hair and eye color as I was standing in front of my mother who had a hold of me and a 4 year old Clary. Mom said "Robert." He said "Jocelyn, I didn't know you had kids." she said, "I was pregnant with my four-year-old when I ran." He narrowed his eyes "And the other?" she sighed "Don't worry Robert, I'm gonna tell her, I never told you she existed, you don't have to worry about her, and she won't hate you, she'll hate me." Robert looked confused, then it clicked. He said "Can I hold her? Just once Jocelyn please let me hold my daughter." she thought it over before lifting me and setting me in his arms. He held me close and kissed my head "By the Angel, she is beautiful." Mom said "She looks like you." he nodded kissing my head again hugging me tightly before handing me back.

I was 4, it was just me and mom in the park, I saw a monster causing me to scream. Mom slashed it with a seraph blade making it disappear and she kneeled in front of me "Are you ok Tia?" I said "That was scary mommy." she hugged me "I know baby, mommy has you."

I was still 4, I was at home with mom and Clary when there was a knock at the door. Clary and I ran to open it as mom yelled "Girls no!" Luke was standing outside he said, "Where is your mommy?" I started to bounce my way to mom saying "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy." mom picked me up mid-bounce and said, "Come in Luke." He said, "The older one must be the one you were pregnant with, so where did this little one come from?" Mom looked guilty "I slept with Robert he was having problems with Maryse and I was still upset. She is never gonna know."

 All of a sudden I was back in the library but laying on the ground surrounded by Jace, Clary, and Hodge. I rubbed my head which hurt and said "Who the hell is Robert?" Jeremiah said "Robert Lightwood." I quickly stood up causing me to stumble as I said "As in Alec and Isabelle's father?" he ignored me and instead laid his hand on my sister. She closed her eyes for a few minutes until I said "Jace, something's wrong." he looked at me so I pointed out her hands, she had dug her nails into her palms so hard she was bleeding. Jace said, "That's enough." Hodge said "Jace." Jace said, "Look at her hands." Jeremiah said "There is a block in both your minds, though Clarissa yours more advanced than Catia's I pulled a few memories of hers up until she was four. Your memories cannot be reached." Jace said "A block? You mean they are repressing their memories?" He said "No. I mean they have been blocked from their conscious mind by a spell. I cannot break it here. They will have to come to the Bone City and stand before the Brotherhood." Clary said "A spell? Who would have put a spell on us?" Jace said, "Hodge they shouldn't have to go if they don't..." Clary said "It's all right. I'll go. I want to know the truth. I want to know whats in my head." I said, "Yeah I'm going to." Jace said "Fine. Then ill go with you both." 

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