Clary is Awake

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 It's been three days since I woke up and Clary arrived, I tried to call Luke and he hasn't answered. I was in the library listening to Hodge talk about Shadowhunter's history when Isabelle walked in and said "She is awake." I smiled and got up running from the door, Isabelle and I got to the room and it was empty. I crossed my arms and Isabelle said "She was right here, I told her to stay put and I'd go get you and Hodge." realization struck "That's where you messed up." Isabelle said, "How?" I said "You told her what to do, she doesn't like being told what to do so she does the opposite." we went back to the library and I heard Clary say "Where is my sister?" I went to open the door but froze when Hodge said "I need to talk to you before you can see her." the boys came out and said, "Let's go to the training room and wait." Isabelle decided against it, so it was just me and the boys.

Alec said, "Come on, we'll show you how to prep Seraph blades." I walked over to a table and leaned against it watching the boys work. I said, "How do they work?" Jace said, "They are given an angelic name which gives them their power to kill demons." I nodded and fiddled with a fourth one as they prepped the three on the table. Eventually, Clary came in and Jace said "Where's Hodge?" she said "Writing to the Silent Brothers." Alec repressed a shudder "Ugh." I said "The Silent Brothers?" Alec said "They are male shadowhunters who have chosen to lay down their weapons, and they reside over the dead, holding criminals, they are healers, and they also reside over weddings, births, and funerals. They are creepy, they don't talk because they sew their mouths and eyes shut. So instead they speak directly into your mind." 

Clary walked over to us and hugged me as she said "What are you doing?" Jace said "Putting the last touches on these. Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf. They're seraph blades." she said "Those don't look like knives. How did you make them? Magic?" Alec looked horrified making me giggle and him to glare at me causing me to have a hard time controlling my giggles. Jace said, "The funny thing about mundies, is how obsessed with magic they are for a bunch of people who don't even know what the word means." Clary snapped at him "We know what it means." he said "No, you don't, you just think that you do. Magic is a dark and elemental force, not just a lot of sparkly wands and crystal balls and talking goldfish." She glared at him "I never said it was a lot of talking goldfish, you..." Jace waved his hand cutting her off "Just because you call an electric eel a rubber duck doesn't make it a rubber duck, does it? And God helps the poor bastard who decides they want to take a bath with the duckie."

Clary said "Your driveling." Jace said, "I'm not." Alec and I said "Yes, you are." in unison. Alec then continued "Look we don't do magic ok? That's all you need to know about it." she clenched her fists in my shirt reeling in her anger and said, "Hodge said we can go home." Jace was shocked "He said what?" she amended her statement "To look through our mother's things if you go with us." Alec said "Jace." but was ignored as Clary said "If you want to prove that our mom or either of our dads was a shadowhunter, we should look through our mom's things. Whats left of them." Jace grinned "Down the rabbit hole. Good idea. If we go right now, we should have another three, four hours of daylight." We headed for the door and Alec said "Do you want me to come with you?" Jace said "No. That's all right. The girls and I can handle this on our own." Alec shot Clary a glare as the door closed behind us. Jace led us down the hallway and said "Have either of you go your house keys?" Clary said "Yeah." as I said "Nope, lost them 4 months ago." he said "Good, at least one of you have them. Not that we couldn't break-in, but we'd run a greater chance of disturbing any wards that might be up if we did." 

Jace pushed a button for the elevator as Clary said "If you say so. Jace?" he said "Yeah?" she said "How did you know I had shadowhunter blood? Was there some way you could tell?" we got on the elevator as he said "I guessed, It seemed like the most likely explanation." she said "You guessed? You must have been pretty sure, considering you could have killed me." he pressed a button and said, "I was ninety percent sure." Clary said "I see," and then I gasped as her hand cracked across his face with a loud slap, leaving his cheek bright red. He said "What the hell was that for?" she said "The other ten percent." making this ride a whole lot quieter. We got on the train and these girls were staring and giggling, Clary was staring at Jace so he said: "Can I help you with something?" Clary said "Those girls on the other side of the car are staring at you." she sounded jealous and he said, "Of course they are, I am stunningly  attractive." I said "Haven't you ever heard that modesty is an attractive trait?" he said "Only from ugly people, the meek may inherit the earth, but at the moment it belongs to the conceited like me." then winked at the girls making them giggle more and hide behind their hair.

Clary sighed "How come they can see you?" he said "Glamours are a pain to use. Sometimes we don't bother." We left the station traveling up the hill to the apartment, he took out two seraph blades shoving one in my back pocket and playing with the second one. Clary said "Do you have to do that? It's annoying. And why does she get one of those things?" I rolled my eyes at my sister as Jace said "Because she has proven that she has been trained in the art of kicking ass." he went back to humming. Finally, Clary remembered her manners and said "Im sorry I smacked you." he stopped humming and said "Just be glad you hit me and not Alec. He would have hit you back." she agreed "He seems to be itching for the chance, What was it that Alec called you? Para-something?" 

Jace nodded "Parabatai, It means a pair of warriors who fight together... who are closer than brothers. Alec is more than just my best friend. My father and his father were parabatai when they were young. His father was my godfather... that's why I live with them. They're my adopted family." I said, "That's sweet." Clary said "But your last name isn't Lightwood." he said "No." Clary said, "It looks the same." Jace took a plastic thing out of his pocket as he said "On the outside." Clary said "So that's a sensor? What does it do?" he said "It picks up frequencies as a radio does, but these frequencies are demonic in origin." I said "Demonic shortwave?" he said "Something like that. It's picking up trace activity, but that could just be leftover from that night. Im not getting anything strong enough for there to be demons present now." Clary said "Good." and bent over to untie her keys from her laces standing back up. Jace said, "I'll go in first." 

He pushed the door open and we went inside, he ran his hand along the banister "Blood." Clary said, "Maybe it's mine, from the other night." I said, "It'd be dry by now." Jace said "Come on." and headed upstairs with us following him. It was empty, they went to the kitchen and I went to my room, I gently opened the door and it was pretty empty so next I checked my mom's room and it was also empty except when I checked her secret compartment there was a box so I grabbed it and met Clary and Jace outside her room. She opened the door and it blew outward knocking us all on our asses. Jace activated his seraph blade as Clary and I ran for the door. By the time Jace injured it he looked dead so Clary and I said "Jace?" 

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