Epilogue - Edited

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Hey guys, this is the new and improved Epilogue, as a few found it a little confusing - i've edited and hopefully made things a little clearer.

Tell me what you think!


56 and a Half Years Later

“Mommar?” a little voice asked as Elle sat reading a book in the summer sun, turning she grinned as she saw Kathy walking towards her.

Out of all her grandchildren Kathy was the only one to inherit her looks; she couldn’t help but to love her auburn hair and light eyes. Rowan was the only to look like her father’s side and the other three all had dark Snape hair.

“Yes baby?” she grinned, putting her book down and patting the space beside her.

“You don’t have to call me Baby.” Kathy laughed, wrapping her arm through her grandmother’s as she sat down on the bench beside her. “I’m eighteen.”

“You still call me Mommar.” Elle countered with a grin. “What did you want?”

“Can’t I come and visit my lovely Mommar? ” She sighed, looking out over the flowers in the colourful garden. “Alright, I just wanted to know… How did you know you loved Grandpa?”

“How did I know?” Elle asked turning to look at her granddaughter from the corner of her eye.

“Yeah, how did you know you wanted to marry him and have Aunty Will?”

“You don’t know what happened?” Elle asked, surprised her son hadn’t mentioned it.

“No.” she said, pouting. “Dad said it was your story to tell and Mum just nodded.”

“Did they tell you he was my teacher?” Elle asked, a blush playing at her cheeks as Kathy cackled. “You’re not in love with a teacher are you Kathy? I’ll kill you.”

“God no!” she grinned, “But carry on, I want it all in detail.”

“Why? So you can decide if you love someone?”

“So I can decide if there’s any hope left for me.” She teased, her eyes sparkling with humour.

“He lived next door, as you know.” Elle said, nodding her head back to the house. “It was my first house alone, my first job, everything and I was terrified. So when I saw him coming out one morning while I was weeding I asked him over for dinner.”

“Dinner?” Kathy snorted, “How old fashioned.”

“His stomach answered before he had the chance too.” Elle grinned, nudging her granddaughter. “It kind of became routine that we’d have dinner together on Wednesdays.”

“Wednesday night dinner.” Kathy laughed, “I always wondered why we came over on Wednesdays.”

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