Chapter Five.

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“What’s happening today?” I asked Elizabeth as we sat on her settee, she was watching TV as I read through essays.

“I’ve actually got some friends coming over for tea.” She stated looking up at me with pleading eyes. “I’ve told them I’ve got a boyfriend whose 37, but not that it’s you.”

“Sooo you want me to disappear for a bit?” I asked feeling a little annoyed that she hadn’t told her friends yet. “Really Elizabeth you’ve got to tell them.”

“Oh I know that, they know I had a strange crush on you when we were at Hogwarts but they’ll freak when they find out so I’m going to ease them into It.” her eyes glinted dangerously at me. “You need to stop freaking out, I’m not going to run away.”

“I’m not freaking out.” I ground out but put my arm around her waist. “Anyway, I’ve got to go do some errands.”

“Who for?” her voice was quiet as if she was scared of my answer.

“Both, got to sabotage myself.” I sighed and she let a small smile go. “What time are they coming?”

“About half an hour.” She checked the clock and jumped up waving her wand wildly about her, cleaning and setting out the tea and biscuits. “But Lisa has been known to turn up early to catch people out.”

“Ok, I’ll see you later?” I asked and she jumped up to kiss me as I left.

“OH MY GOD!” a high pitched female voice screamed with laughter from behind us. “Betty and Snape, I knew it!”

“Miss Kennon.” I stated hopping the wall and escaping to my house.


“Betty, you sucked face with Snape!” Lisa squealed wrapping her arms around me as she pushed me into the living room, “When did this happen and are those short shorts I see?”

“Maybe.” I grinned pulling the hem of my shorts down a bit. “Tea or chocolate?”

“WINE!” she shouted pulling a bottle out of her bag. “Come on, I’ve gone from living with you guys to not seeing you for 3 months!”

I grinned as I pulled out four glasses and the nice chocolates, putting the biscuits away. Karen and Sarah soon arrived and I managed to bribe Lisa to keep quiet on the whole Snape front, well I did until Karen surprised us.

“I’m getting married!” she squealed pushing her hand towards the three of us, all mouths open, “He asked me last week and I wanted to tell you  in person.”

“Bridesmaids?” Sarah asked seriously, “Karen, you’ve got too, oh I’m so happy!”

“And all of you have to bring dates.” Karen grinned evilly, “Joe’s grooms men are quite good looking though.”

“Betty’s taken.” Lisa stated.

“What?!” Lisa and Karen screamed forgetting about the pretty dresses. “Since when?”

“A few weeks ago, I thought I’d ease you in.” I shrugged and opened my mouth to continue but Sarah cut me off.

“Is it Wood again? I swear Bette, you’re obsessed!”

“Can you remember when she admitted to fancying Snape?”  The two of them squealed with laughter as Lisa smirked at me.

It happened before I knew what I was doing, my fist was in Lisa’s mouth as I pinned her to the floor. “Oh my god!” Sarah laughed, “You still fancy him!”

“What’s that girl, you have gossip?” Karen said looking at Lisa whose eyes were shining with tears of laughter.

“No she doesn’t she’s epileptic!” I shouted, “I’m trying to stop her choking on her own tongue!”

“Petrificus Totalus!” Sarah said pointing her wand at me, releasing Lisa.

“When I came here early, Bette was sucking face with her new boyfriend.”

“OOOOOooooooo.” They all chorused.

“He’s got black hair and a big nose.” She started and they all turned to me, I cringed inside. “He’s-”


“My Lord, I don’t know what happened.” I said bowing to him as I entered his office.

“I’m disappointed in you Severus, this should have been an easy mission for you.” he growled, I looked up at him, Nagini was slithering around his shoulders. “Kill the Chilton’s.”

“I wasn’t expecting their son to be old enough to have a wand.”

“Are you not a teacher?!” he boomed, Wormtail in the corner quivered with fear. “Are you not hisss teacher?!”

“He has another surname; he did not recognise me My Lord.”

“What are you going to do to repay me?”

“Anything you wish.” I stated putting images of worship into his path as he tried to seek my intentions.

“Avery told me of your female friend, Elizabeth Walden.” He paused watching the recognition pass through my eyes, “Yes, I would very much like to meet her. I’ve been told many things, top of her year at Hogwarts, youngest healer of the past century, barely 20.”

“I will bring her to you tonight if you wish.” I stated bowing and going to walk away.

“Now Severus. I’ll come, go make sure she’s given at least 2 minute warning.” He said waving me off.

As soon as the doors to his office closed behind me I ran, I had to get Elle’s friends out of her house now. I apparated to my back garden, not caring that people could have seen me, I threw open the front door to see Elle immobilised as her three friends laughed hysterically .

“Snape.” The blonde said looking up at me mouth open confused.

“How did you know?” the dark skinned girl asked from the floor, her back to me.

“Get out now!” I shouted and they all froze. “My sources say the Dark Lord is coming here now, get out.”

“Finite.” I said wrapping an arm around Elle’s waist and hauling her too her feet.

“Sev?” she asked and I sighed, she nodded and pushed her friends out the house hurrying her apologies.

“He wants to meet you, I’m sorry Elle.” I whispered capturing her lips with mine. “I’ll do everything I can, but you might have too-”

“Ah Severus, won’t you introduce us?” Lord Voldemort asked seeming to float into the room.

“My Lord, this is Elizabeth Walden my-”

“Miss Walden.” He purred in a sick way, he took her hand from mine and placed a kiss upon it. “So much youth and beauty, I see what you like in her Severus.” I bowed and watched as he took a seat in the armchair which stood proudly in the corner. “Do you know what I want from you Miss Walden?”

“No.” She stated and he glared until she stuttered, “M-My Lord.”

“You see, you have skills that could come in extremely useful to me, especially in combination with Severus’s and there is one little thing that will ease your opinion of me.” he smiled as Elle cautiously backed into me. “You know too much Miss Walden, and I can’t not have power over you, you will become a death eater, Severus!”

“My Lord, is this necessary?” I said jumping forwards

“Don’t condescend me Severus!” he shouted standing with his wand pointed towards my throat. “You’re becoming weak, come to me in three days, she will be one of us or she will die.” He growled before disappearing.

The look on Elle’s face was of pure terror, her eyes were wide, her skin paled. I cupped her chin in my hand as she grabbed my robes, struggling to keep herself upright; pressing my lips to her forehead I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

“I’ll keep you safe, I’ll talk to Dumbledore, he’ll make sure everyone knows that it’s not your choice.”

“He’ll kill me.” she whispered into my neck. “He wants you back to before more than he wants me on his side and he’ll kill me to make that happen.”

“I won’t let it happen.” I whispered pulling her onto my lap as I fell onto the settee.

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