Chapter Fourteen

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Oh my, This is the final!
I didn't realise I was so close!

Hope you all enjoyed it!!
There might be a sequel, but the one I did wasn't very good :P So it would need to be rewritten :P

P.S. Ignore the lines, i have no idea where they came from or how to get rid of them, they just hate me.



The cold of the night was bitter; it hated me for leaving my house, for following my orders. But it was the lesser of two evils, to get bitten by the weather or watch my family get murdered, he’d gone that far now he was serious.

“Ready?” Lucius asked as I stepped into line beside him, facing the few shops still open in Diagon Alley. “He wants him alive.”

“Rather forgiving.” I smirked pulling the mask down over my face.

The best thing about being a death eater was the flying, it was a hard skill to learn but it was amazing, but it also meant I’d be destroying something pretty soon. I stormed into the shop as boxes flew everywhere, footsteps sounded in the back rooms and I smirked at Yaxley indicating that he was to go back.

“What do you want?” I heard Ollivander ask, I could see him curled in the corner of his shop.

“Why just to chat.” I stated and he was pulled to his feet before we flew back to Malfoy Manor.

Instantly we were dismissed and most of the death eaters disappeared at once, but Lucius grabbed my elbow and directed me to his smaller office, Narcissa was sat on a large arm chair waiting for us, but she said nothing simply dropping her book to her lap.

“Ollivander is in the dungeons.” Lucius stated and she closed her eyes nodding. “Is Draco Home?”

“No, he’s out somewhere.” She stated, “How’s Elle and Willow?”

“Both good, haven’t seen Elle awake for a few days.” I sighed sitting and taking the whiskey from Lucius.

“Why are you here then?”

“I can’t go home and be in a bad mood; she’ll try and make me feel better.”

“Maybe that’s what you need.” She sang walking to Lucius and running her hands across his shoulder.

“I’ll see you next time?” I asked and they both smiled welcoming the solitude.

The house was silent, landing light on but nothing else, I slipped quietly upstairs finding no one but Willow, who was fast asleep, her vitals growing stronger with each day. A smile spread over my face as I lifted her from the cot and cradled her against my chest, kissing her soft mop of black hair.

“Perfect.” Elle laughed from behind me as she placed a camera onto the drawers. “How was your day Sev?”

I shrugged as she slipped into my free arm, kissing Willow’s head before kissing my lips. “He’s getting more demanding; this next year’s going to change the entire world.”

“And you are helping it go in the right direction.” She smiled stroking my jaw calmly. “Even if you feel like you’re doing it wrong.”

“I love you.” I whispered as she grinned up at me. “Shall we put her down?”

She smiled and wound up the mobile which sang a muggle nursery rhyme, I placed Willow carefully down on her matt; she smiled up at me and started to drift off into a peaceful sleep. “How do you do that?” Elle asked in awe. “Whenever I put her down she start crying and then I panic because she get’s short of breath.”

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