Chapter Seven

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The alarm clock’s shrill ring broke my sleep for what felt like the millionth time, my eyes forced themselves open before snapping shut again. I rolled over to the cooler side of the bed, the sheets tangling in my feet as I did so.

Fucking sheets.

I sat and unravelled them annoyed and awake by this point. The curtains were all drawn throughout the house, giving it a more than usual grimness. The tea was already making itself by the time I entered the kitchen. The backdoor glowed in the morning sunlight and for the first time, I willingly went and stood in my garden. The sun warmed my skin; my eyes closed themselves as I stood fixed to the spot in a simple pleasure

“Enjoying the warmth?” Elle’s voice laughed from behind me, I looked to find her standing at her window grinning down at me. “Shall I come over and join you?”

I nodded and walked back into the house putting another mug on the side. She knocked on the front door less than a minute later, still in her pyjamas. “Eager to see me?” I smirked as a blush ran across her face.

“Not as eager as you were.” She stated eyes running down my body, “Is that the kettle I hear singing?”

She walked ahead and fought the spoon out of the air so she could do it manually. Her hands moved gracefully around the kitchen as she pulled out a toaster and butter as well. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

“I never eat breakfast; even at Hogwarts I just have a cup of tea.” I shrugged as she put toast in front of me.

“Well maybe if you did you wouldn’t be as grumpy.” She laughed kissing my forehead before sitting down herself. “Maggs knows that we’re together.”

“And Maggs is?” I asked confused at the new information.

“Margret, my sister.” She smiled, “My parents really knew how to pick names, Margret and Elizabeth.”

“Could be worse, could be called Severus.” I smirked and she grinned at me. “What are you doing today?”

“Writing my will.” She shrugged, “He’s going to kill me so I might as well send my nice things to people I love.”

“You’re not going to die.”

“Yes, I am.” She stated, “My shoes are going to Karen because she’ll be married with children and won’t be able to afford shoes, my dresses to Lisa although she’s a bitch and my books to Sarah.”

“Elle, stop it.” I snapped glaring at her. “You aren’t going to die, I won’t allow it.”

“I’m sorry.” She sighed pushing away my toast and slipping herself onto my lap.

I was a little taken aback, although we’re together, we weren’t for affection. We sat next to each other; she kissed me at times but rarely this. Her head rested against my shoulder as her fingers traced patterns along my chest, it was the most comforting position I’d been in, in a long time.

“How are you so sure?” she whispered quietly.

“I can’t tell you, in case it goes wrong. If it does we’ll both be dead.” I stated and she shivered involuntary.

“Can I stay here?” she asked pulling her head to look at me, “I don’t fancy staying at mine alone today.”

“Sure, I’ve only got paperwork.” I smiled and she grinned back at me


Wear something pretty, The Dark Lord likes women in their places. I looked through my wardrobe as the words rang through my head. I didn’t know what to do how to even think about where I should start.

Don't Make Me Love You. Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now