Chapter Four

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The woman straddling his lap should have been a dream come true, but she wasn’t showering him with kisses, no she was trying to force feed him some lemon chicken. He raised an eyebrow as she tried to shock him into saying something, but it wasn’t working, she grabbed the chicken out the air and pushed it against his lips, forcing them open and grinding it against his teeth.

“Now you have no choice but to taste it.” She grinned triumphant.

“And it’s just as disgusting as I thought it would be.” He stated wiping his mouth with the napkin she’d handed him; she was still sitting on his lap, watching him clean his mouth. “What?”

“You over react, it’s not that bad of a taste, just a little weird.” She stated.

“It tastes like a potion I had to make once.” Severus said noticing her shiver slightly, the heating wasn’t on all the time, hence the reason he was wearing a jumper. “Cold?”

“A little, should probably change into my P.J.’s.” she said as he took off his jumper and passed it to her. “Aren’t you going to be cold?”

“If anything I’m a little warm.” He said softly as she pulled the jumper over her head, he leant forwards and pulled her collar straight as she wrapped herself in the warmth.

“Thank you.” She smiled kissing his cheek softly, as someone knocked loudly on the front door. “Who could that be?” she huffed standing to answer the door.

“Is Severus Snape here?” a large foreboding man asked staring down at her, she nodded and lead them into the living room, she was glad she had put the TV away in its cabinet, they didn’t look safe.

“Elizabeth, go and change like you were going to do.” Severus stated not taking his eyes off the three men now standing in her living room. Severus watched as she quickly disappeared.

“She’s a sight for sore eyes.” Avery grinned watching the doorway after she went.

“What do you want Avery?” Snape snapped glaring at the three death eaters, they were all still wearing official robes.

“We came here to convey a message, the Dark Lord wants you to go on a mission for him over the weekend, and I guess he wanted to know why you disappear every Wednesday and now I see why.” He smirked.

“I shall go to him tomorrow morning, if he wanted me he would have called.” He stated. “Now, good night to you all.” He stated wanting to push them out the house before Elizabeth came back down.

“Hospitality really is dead.” He sneered glaring at Snape in just his black shirt, jumper being on the girl. “Did you pull her out of your lessons?”

“Leave.” Came a female voice from the stairwell. “If you are insinuating that I am some kind of whore I will not have you standing in my house, even if it is the hallway.”

“Feisty, if you don’t have her Snape, send her my way.” He leered over her, stopping at her chest. “I like red heads.”

With that the three men left, Elizabeth furious with what she’d over heard, Snape had relaxed and leant against the doorframe, glad to be rid of his fellow death eaters. A hand collided with his chest, quite hard at that.

“DEATH EATERS?” she screamed smacking him again, “When were you going to tell me, if at all?”

“Elle, please-”

“Just shut up Sev, your one of them!” she hissed pushing past him and walking through the house, grabbing a beer as she went. “You kill people for that man, I’d heard rumours at Hogwarts but I pushed them away as I got to know you, but Jesus Christ Sev!”

“Elle.” He said sitting opposite her, he rolled up his sleeve and let her see the Dark Mark.

Elizabeth raised her head to look at Severus, he was sitting opposite her his arm out stretched, offering it to her, the dark mark and all of his history. She looked as if to ask to touch, he nodded and carefully her hand hovered over the mark; ice cold fingers touching the burning heat of his skin.

“Did it hurt?” she asked eventually, neither really wanting to break the silence.

“Very much so, it binds us to him, this isn’t called a dark mark for nothing.” He stated and she nodded, he felt a little like he was giving a lesson, but she didn’t react as such.

“That’s because you’re an idiot.” She stated softly smiling at him as she stood and walked around to his side of the table. “A big, stupid, hairy idiot.”

“That you’re rather fond of?” Severus asked hopefully, his stomach churning uncomfortably and his heart dying in case she didn’t agree.

“Very.” She grinned slipping onto his lap. “This seems natural, you’re older than me but I couldn’t care less, I find you very attractive.”

“Well good, because you are beautiful.” He whispered kissing her lips for the first time.

Elle’s heart leapt within her chest as he kissed her, light headed she swayed into him, feeling his lips tug slightly into a smile.

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