Chapter Twelve.

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I gripped Elle’s elbow as we slowly walked into the animation room; neither of us had seen her yet. She didn’t even have a name. Elle wrapped her arm around my waist as we got closer to the smallest of the bubbles; they rarely used these for babies. They were all filled with the elderly and the rich, and there in the corner sat our baby.

“She’s got your hair.” Elle whispered breaking the silence. “This is my fault, I didn’t want her at the time when her vital organs should have been developing, she knew and now I’ve killed her!”

“Shut up.” I whispered as she turned and buried her face in my chest.

I looked into the bubble, her skin was almost transparent, but she didn’t have my nose that I could see straight away. The writing on the bubble explained what was going on; they had to rebuild her heart, from scratch as well as her lungs and kidneys. How long would that take, would I ever be able to hold my baby?

There is a good chance I could be killed any day, especially now everyone believes me to be a death eater. “She’ll be alright won’t she?”

“Of course she will.” I whispered kissing her forehead. “She’ll need a name.”

“Yeah, did Maggs ever give you a list?” she asked and I pulled it from my back pocket. “Read it out to me.”

“Alexei, Blair, Claudia. She’s done one for nearly every letter.” I laughed and Elle poked me to carry on. “Daisy, Elsie, Frejya, Grace, Helena, Ivy, Jamie, Kaitlyn, Lyndsay, Madelyn, Naomi, Olivia, Penelope, Q, Rosie, Sophia, Tarin, U, Viola, Willow, X, Y and Zelda.”

“Jesus.” She sighed; I resisted the joke and gave her a pen. “I like Blair, and Frejya.”

“My Grandma was called Ivy.” I shrugged and she put a tick next to the name. “She looks like you, you know.”

“I wanted her to look like you, but with my nose.” She smirked keeping her head down as we sat on the lone chair in the corner. “Viola Snape.”

“Doesn’t sound too bad actually.” I smiled kissing her shoulder. “How about Lyndsay Snape?”

“Bit strange.” She laughed. “How about Willow?”

“Willow’s nice.” I smiled and she nodded, “Willow Viola Snape.”


“You’ve been neglecting your duties Severus, I am not happy.” The dark lord hissed menacingly when I walked into his office.

“My daughter is extremely ill my lord, forgive me, Elle needed me to be there.” I bowed low and stopped in front of him.

“Should have killed her when I had the chance, why the hell did I suggest marriage, makes men weak and at the prey of women.” I cleared my mind, putting images of guilt and loyalty to the front, this man was smart and sneaky.  “You will go back to Hogwarts at the end of the summer and resume as head master, you will not be given leave to see your wife or child if she even survives, and you shall be at my mercy! Any problems with that Severus?” he shouted becoming more and more worked up till he finished.

“No my lord, thank you for this opportunity.” I stated bowing and leaving the office walking into Narcissa on my way.

“How’s Elle and the baby?” she whispered knowing the Dark Lord wouldn’t like me to be talking about them so soon after being scolded.

“Elle’s much better; Willow’s doing fine, well as fine as she can be in suspended animation.”

“Oh what a pretty name, Willow Snape, oh who does she look like? I never got to see her.”

“She looks like Elle, but with my hair.” I smiled a little and she beamed back.

“I’ll look after Elle, don’t you worry Severus.”

“What is he doing here?” Bellatrix spat as she walked down the stairs glaring at me.

“I’m here to get my next mission Bella, how about you?” I asked knowing she didn’t have anything important to do than be menacing.

“I don’t trust him Cissy, don’t get too close.” She whispered slipped around her sister and towards the dining room.

“Ignore her.” Narcissa stated rolling her eyes, “I’ll see you soon Severus, give my best to Elle.”

Don't Make Me Love You. Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now