Chapter One

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The alarm pulled sharply from sleep, the sharp ring sitting uncomfortably in my ears, I flicked my wand sharply at the clock before I had awoken properly, and unfortunately now all that remained were a pile of ashes with a cog or two. Today started off bad and I knew it was going to get much, much worse. The Dark Lord had ordered me to visit him last night and I’d been on an errand for Dumbledore, so now I’ve got a whole load of grovelling to do and I’m going to have to slip important information so to keep my cover and my life.

How I hate the life of a double agent and to top it all off I have a new neighbour.

I spotted the new neighbour for the first time yesterday; she is an old student of mine. One whose colouring caught always my eye, luckily she’s a Ravenclaw and I could leave her alone and not seem too obvious; Hazel eyes and mahogany hair, beautiful but it’s just too wrong.

“Professor!” a voice shrilled as I stepped out of my front door, planning on powering on with my chores today.

“We are no longer in Hogwarts Miss Walden, Snape will do.” I stated turning to face her, a smile playing at her pink lips.

“Well Snape, I was just wondering if you fancied coming over tonight for dinner.” My stomach jolted uncomfortably breaking my focus, and then I realised she was still rambling. “I’m alone, you’re alone.”

“That won’t be practical Miss Walden, I work unsociable hours.” I stated and started to turn again.

“Miss Walden is my younger sister, I’m Elizabeth.” She stated, hands on hips. “I’m cooking lamb shank tonight and I have a spare.” My stomach grumbled at the thought of a properly prepared meal. “I have my answer, when do you expect to be finished work?”

“Around 8.” I stated and she smiled.

“See you at 8 then, until tonight Snape.” She smirked slipping easily inside her house as I frowned at anything in sight.

How was I supposed to keep my head clear when I had a former student asking me round for dinner and wearing provocatively short shorts? Elizabeth, it suited her, older than her years and rather elegant.

I need to get this child out of my head, I’ve got unpleasant chores to do before I can start thinking of ways in which she is annoying, churlish and a half blood. Not that it bothers me exactly I’m a half blood, but it’s what I’m expected to like, what I’m expected to marry. Everyone forgets I’m not like them.

“What is the meaning of this?” the Dark Lord hissed coming right into my face as I walked into his office. “I called for you over 12 hours ago.”

“I was working on something under Dumbledore’s orders; it’s not well done of me to lose face with his side my Lord.” I muttered bowing. “Please accept my apologies.”

“Hmm, what did he have you doing?” he asked sweeping back behind his desk and sitting at the chair.

“I was setting charms over entrances to the ministry and other areas such, easily penetrated ones” because he knew I would be telling you how to get through them. “Just the usual.”

“Ahh Severus, always useful.” He smiled, the skin stretching unattractively across his face. “Now, I have some people needing to be taken care of, the quicker you proceed, the quicker you can return home to your reading.”


“What have you planned for tonight?” Lucius asked as we washed our hands in the now barren house.

“I’ve been asked around the neighbour’s house for dinner.”

A light sparked behind his eyes, “Oh Sev, is she nearing 50 and after a toy boy?” he teased.

“Actually she’s one of my old students, and I just heard lamb shank before my stomach accepted the invitation.” I frowned as his eyebrows rose to his hair line. “Don’t expect a wedding anytime soon.”

“I won’t Sev, she’s probably silly and giggly, and what house was she in, Hufflepuff, even worse Gryffindor?”

“Ravenclaw, she passed potions at least, with full marks.” Lucius let out a breath of air, no one passed potions with full marks; even I didn’t manage that.

“Take her now, produce little potion making children before we all die or get killed.” I looked over in shock, was he admitting defeat?

Lucius fell onto the sofa loosening his stiff clothing as he shook his head, letting the defeated tone reach his face. “The Dark Lord is powerful and I have my doubts, you are a close friend and I know, I can trust you with Narcissa and Draco if I die.”

“You won’t die, but if it makes you feel better I’ll keep an eye if anything happens.” I said as he nodded and clapped me on the back. “I’d trust you to the same, but I have no one to care for.”

“Maybe you should buy a cat. Now be sure to clean up properly before your date tonight.” He shouted from the fireplace seconds before he disappeared.

A sigh escaped my lips as I walked back down the road from the apparating point behind the allotments. I was going to have to make polite conversation throughout the night with a child. She would rattle on about silly things such as shoes or clothes; maybe I could call sick. Tell her I’ve come down with a fever and should stay in bed for a few days.

“Ah Snape, still coming round later?” she asked from her front garden, which was no longer shrouded in weeds. “I’m just about to put the meat on; a nice slow cook should make it fall off the bone perfectly.”

“You’re actually cooking?” I asked in shock and she laughed and nodded. “Well yes, I’ll be around later.”

She smiled and bent down again to resume her clipping, her shorts were too short again, showing the long length of her legs. It was going to be a job and a half to keep my mind straight tonight; maybe I should ask Lucius to let me tag along on his mission.

You’ve just told her you’d come, you’ve got no choice.

Damn conscience. 

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