Chapter Eleven

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Really sorry about the lack of updates! i've got freshers flu so have been absolutely knackered and then as i popped down the shop a bottle of wine appeared in my hand?! Anyways, hope you enjoy x


“You wanted to see us My Lord.” I said bowing low keeping my hand at the base of Elle’s spine, she was flaky since she’d gotten pregnant and I was scared she’d actually run away.

“Yes, I have matters to disscuss.” He said hissing slightly as he always did on long s’s, his eyes roamed over Elle’s stomach and it was with obvious disgust. “Pregnant women should never be of any use, but your skills are better than to be pushed to one side while, carrying.”

I looked over to Elle who was close to tears, if I were to offer her comfort I’d probably be tortured for it later, better me ignore her and be at home for longer. Thankfully, she knew this would be the case.

“We are planning a raid of Hogwarts, there is something I need.” He said speaking again, “Severus knows about this already, there will be at least one tragedy, but maybe more if this comes to a head and you will be at hand. Understood Mrs Snape?” he sneered her name.

“Yes my Lord.” She whispered not looking up at him, she was terrified, and it would probably save her life in the end. “I shall be ready.”

“I should hope so Healer.” He stated looking at me. “Now Leave, I need to talk.” Elle stood and almost instantly vanished from the room. “I need you to make sure no other teachers will get involved.”

When I finally left three hours later I went home instead of to Hogwarts, Dumbledore would understand. Elle was sitting on the sofa staring at the TV when I came in, she grinned up at me, but it didn’t reach her eyes, it didn’t very lately.

“The baby makes me mardy.” She stated reading my mind and huffing. “I feel really fat and that man looked at me like I was disgusting!”

“You’re pregnant, he doesn’t like pregnant women.” I shrugged grabbing her foot as she huffed and continued to rant about silly little tiny things, eventually falling into silence as her eyes rolled back in her head. “You’re feet are swollen.”

“Tell me about it, I doubt I’ll ever be able to wear my Alexander McQueen’s ever again.” She said with a genuine tear rolling down her cheek. “Don’t say you can make them bigger, I’ll make my feet smaller before they are changed.”

Since she’d become pregnant she’d been able to pick up on almost anything I’ve been about to say, at first it was amusing, but now it was annoying, especially when I was trying to be nice. “Would you like me to order a Chinese?”

“Oh Sev!” she said tears coming from her eyes as she nodded eagerly.

Simple pleasures.


I rubbed in lotion on the tight skin across my stomach, Narcissa had suggested it to keep away stretch marks, and she had none so I’m inclined to believe her. I slipped on the most comfortable clothes I owned, tonight I would be helping the enemy if needed, repairing the men who hated people like my mother.

And I’d do it for the life of my baby and my husband, I had too. Severus had gone back to Hogwarts soon after he’d fed me; he’d looked worried as I’d packed my bag prepared for whenever I would be called. Lucius Malfoy was coming to collect me; he was the only death eater who spoke to me like a human, so he was my favourite.

“Elizabeth, are you ready?” his voice echoed through the house, I grabbed the book and flew down the stairs. “This isn’t a good idea.” He stated eyes firmly planted on my huge stomach. “How many are in there?”

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