Chapter Nine

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“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” I asked cupping her chin in my hands.

We were stood at the far corner of the station platform, no one had batted an eyelid at us thankfully, or if they had they were too shocked to speak up.

“I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl and I have my job to keep me busy.” She laughed though her lips were still turned down at the edges. “I know you have to go, I should have thought about that fact in the summer. Prepared myself for it, but I didn’t.”

“Elle, listen just because I’m going doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” I whispered and she looked guiltily at the floor. “And that was written over your face.”

“Shut up.” She pouted looking up at me glaring slightly; at least she was feeling better than before. “You’re an idiot, I love you too, come and visit me lots.”

“I will, I’ll be expecting Dumbledore to connect my fireplace in my suite to the one in ours.”

“I’ll be mostly at mine, it’s weird being at yours without you.”

“Whichever you prefer.” I sighed shaking my head lightly. “But I’ve got to go before the train leaves without me, I love you.”

“I love you too, Sev?”

“Yeah?” I asked grabbing her hand and kissing it as I stepped away waiting for her answer.

“I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, now I’ve really gotta go.” I stressed kissing her and running to my compartment where my trunk was already sitting.


I stood annoyed at myself as the Hogwarts express pulled away without me for the first time in 8 years, and this time it took my husband with it. I still couldn’t get over it, but I didn’t have time to mope I had to get to work, for one I was actually working and two I had test results coming in today.

“Hi Elizabeth, how was it?” Gerry behind the reception asked.

“It was alright.” I smiled a strange smile.

“I couldn’t do it, you’ve been married for what, two weeks and he’s gone away!” she said throwing her hands up in the air making me laugh. “Your test results should be here by the time you head home.”

“Oh god, I’m dreading them.”

“If it comes back positive you can do it, honestly, it’s not like you’ve got a marathon to train for.”

I smiled and grabbed a chocolate from the box; Gerry did have some strange metaphors. “Mr and Mrs Poplin, I’m ready for your viewing.” I smiled putting on my work face.

The two proper adults looked weary at being seen by me, but I was used to it and will have to be for at least another five years, from 9 till 5.

“Are you sure, you’re extremely young.” Mr Kellon said running a hand through his thinning hair. “I’ve never heard of such things.”

“Well Mr Kellon, I may be young but the heads of staff don’t seem to think I’m too young.” I stated feeling my resolve fall as home time drew visible. “Muggles have been doing this kind of treatment for a few months and they’ve had no bad results, imagine what I can do with magic. Your babies will both come out healthy; I’m not the kind of person to risk the health of one for the possibility for two.”

“I trust her Dave.” Mrs Kellon stated. “She knows what she’s talking about. Healer Snape would do the same if she were in this position.”

“I would, and my husband wouldn’t have a word edgeways.” I smirked at Mrs Kellon who laughed and grabbed my hand.

“You’re my favourite healer. Come on Dave, let’s get these signed.” She stated as he helped her up and she lead him to the receptionist’s desk.

I sat nervously as the other nurses I’d befriended since I started here held my hand; the other healers were annoyed at my youth, but the nurses took me as one of their own. Gerry was leaning over Healer Green’s shoulder as Hattie and Helen gripped a hand each.

“I’m afraid it’s positive Elizabeth.” He sighed reading the results carefully and handing them over to me as I bit my lip to stop the tears. “You’re pregnant.”


“Whoever she is she must be blind, or dumb.” Weasley’s voice echoed around my room, he looked up at me in terror as I smirked, feeling my lip curl slightly as I did so.

“Detention Weasley.” I said calmly, his Adam’s apple was visible as he swallowed hard; Granger looked terrified for him as she should. “Tonight at say, 7? Here. And for further reference my wife is neither blind or dumb.”

Since I’d gotten back, Dumbledore thought it would be helpful if he announced my recent marriage to the entire school and since which, I’d heard whispers surrounding it, Weasley was the only one stupid enough to do it in my hearing, let alone in my classroom.


(Rons POV)

I slunk down the corridor to the dungeons, huffing to myself about how much of a douche Snape is, it was getting colder and it could really be felt in the dungeons, how the Slytherins do it I’ll never know, but they deserve it. Bastards.

“Clean out the cauldrons the first years left especially for you. I’ll be back in an hour.” He stated checking his watch impatiently and walking out the classroom.

By the time I’d finished my last one a woman walked in looking more than slightly annoyed. “Is Sev here?” she asked spotting me covered in nasty smelling shit.

“No, he should be back soon, he said an hour.” I said looking carefully at her, wedding ring. “Are you his wife?” I asked rather stupidly, but I was in complete shock, she’s hot!

“Yes, you can go I’ll tell him you finished.” She snapped, but then flicked her wand and cleaned me right up. “Off you go Weasley.”

I went to ask how she knew but she raised an eyebrow. “Please I remember all your brothers.”


I stood in the middle of his classroom he was the Defence against the dark arts teacher now, but he still had Weasley cleaning out cauldrons, old habits die hard I suppose.

“Elle?” he asked a smile spreading over his face as I all but jumped on him, “What are you doing here?”

“A situation has occurred.” I stated looking at his dark hair and eyes, I put a kiss on the end of his big nose. “I’m pregnant.”

“Already?!” he asked in shock his grip loosened notably. “Not that it’s a bad thing, just timing and everything.”

“Tell me about.” I huffed letting him lead me back to his rooms. “I’m going to be getting huger and huger every time I see you.” 

“I’m going to be the absentee father.” he nodded in the same kind of daze I was sitting in.

Don't Make Me Love You. Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now