Chapter Six.

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I woke up alone, the warm body who’d kept me company through the night was gone, I couldn’t hear him in the house at all. Sadness swept through me, I was going to become the thing I hated the most, the thing that everyone I loved and cared for hated. Sev had left his jumper at the bottom of the bed with a note on it;

E, I’ve rang in sick for you today, they bought it. I’ve got to talk to Dumbledore about last night and couldn’t bring myself to wake you. Wear my jumper if you feel sad. Love S.

The silence of the house made the phone’s ring more obnoxious, only two people rang me on the house phone, my mum and my nana.    

“Is that Lizzie?” my nanas voice shouted from the other end, “We’re going to the country park, are you coming too, all your cousins will be there.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you soon Nan, love you.” I smiled thankful for the distraction.

I quickly got changed and ran down to my car, it hadn’t been used in such a long time, but I knew there wouldn’t be enough car seats if I didn’t.

My nana’s house was quite big, she’d moved into it just before her children had moved out, it was red bricked with a large bay window to the left of the front door and a double garage to the right. I pressed my face up against the window as I walked past and saw three of my cousins with all of their children, the older of which waved as they saw me and ran to open the door.

“LIZZIE!” they chorused wrapping their arms around my waist and legs. “We haven’t seen you in ages!”

“Can you do a magic trick?”                                             

“Can I ride in your car?”

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

“Maggie say’s your boyfriends old.”

I looked up at my sister who stood in the doorway grinning at me; she was just about to move into her fourth year at Hogwarts and wasn’t allowed to do “magic tricks” yet. “Yeah Liz, where’s this boyfriend of yours?” she smirked and I pounced on her.

“He’s sorting things out.” I stated pulling at her ash blonde ringlets. “I’ve gotten into some trouble Maggs.” I whispered in case dad was close by. “You-know-who wants me.”

“Refuse!” she almost screamed.

“He’ll kill me; he says I know too much.”

“It’s this boyfriend of yours isn’t it?” she stated grabbing my arm, “Who is he?”

“I don’t want you to know, but he’s 37.”

“Jesus Christ he’s old.” A voice from behind me hissed. “Where is he?”

“Sorting things out.” I smirked and Karl stood up straight and smirked back at me.

“That’s my girl, getting in trouble a.s.a.p.” He laughed and turned to Maggs. “You’ll be next Missy.”

“Shut up.” She huffed walking away. “DAD LIZZIE’S HERE!” she shouted and stuck her tongue at me.

“I love your sister.” Karl stated as dad walked at me arms out wide.

“This boyfriend of yours where is he?” he asked holding me at arm’s length. “How old is he what’s his name?”

“He’s sorting this out with Dumbledore, he’s 37 and I refuse.” I stated cocking a defiant eyebrow, he mirrored my actions and I knew this wasn’t going to be an easy day.

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