Chapter Ten

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Dedicated to Adele105, lilly-marie and hazelitaaa because you enjoyed chapt nine enough to comment and actually made me continue it :P


(Magg's POV)

“How’s your sister?” Professor Sprout asked as we sat in herbology, of course Lizzie would be a favourite of hers. “She’s a healer now isn’t she?”

“I’m not sure, she’s not been in touch.” I shrugged, “But last thing I heard yeah.”

“Well that’s not like her at all, she seemed so family orientated.” She sighed sadly gripping my hand.

“She got this boyfriend and he’s not good news at all.” I smiled and the old lady gave my hand one last squeeze before carrying on through the corridor.

“Are you alright?” My friend Lucy whispered as we walked, I couldn’t help but feel angry with her every time she was mentioned.

“Yeah, I just hate her you know, mum’s been a mess and dad’s furious.” I sighed as Lucy put her arm around my waist weaving me through the crowd as I zoned out.

“What the hell is this supposed to mean?” dad shouted throwing the small scrap of paper to the floor. “Margret, who is this boyfriend of hers?”

“I don’t know.” I whispered looking up at him, if I told him; he’d go over there and then.

“Bullshit!” he shouted making me and mum jump in our seats. “She needs our help.”

“She’s just over reacting that’s all.” Mum sighed in her optimistic voice, “I’ll just give her a ring.”We sat in silence as the phone rang over and over again, “She must be out.”

“She might have a good reason for this.” I shrugged looking at my parents.

“That boyfriend of hers is all to blame; she could be being abused for all we know.” He stated picking the paper up again. “I really can’t stress how important it is that you guys stay away from Me.” he read from the letter.

“Lizzie’s not that stupid.” I stated and dad almost blew a casket.

“STUPID?! That’s exactly what she is, if I ever see her again I’m going to give her a piece of my mind!!”

I tore my eyes away from dad and looked over to mum who was ringing Lizzie again. “she’s not going to pick up, she must have a good reason.”

“My baby promised me she’d ring me once a day.” She sobbed as dad wrapped his arms around her, blocking me from their sorrow.

Snape walked past me and murmured my name, I felt it before I knew what I was doing, a sneer crossed my lips and my mouth formed “Fucking bastard.”

“Detention Miss Walden, I will not have that language aimed at Me.” he hissed. “My office at 8.”

“That’s a bit late for a detention.” Lucy said aimlessly as she tried to change subject. “Maybe he fancies you.”

“That bastard better stay the hell away from me.” I growled, she looked taken aback, I hadn’t told her about Lizzie, I probably should. “Lizzie was going out with him before she cut us out.”

“That’s disgusting.” Lucy gasped running a hand across her neck. “I feel a little sick.”

“Yup, I blame him for not seeing my sister in so long, probably sold her to you-know-who or something.”

“Maggs, don’t be so horrible, he’s not one of them from what we know.” She stated. “How could she go from Oliver Wood to him?”

“She’s a freak, plain and simple.” I shrugged falling into my seat in Divination with Lucy to my right.


I walked out of the fireplace rubbing my swollen stomach as I looked for Severus, he hadn’t seen my stomach looking so pregnant and I was a little nervous to show him to be honest, what if he thought I just looked fat or he had someone else on the side?

“Hello?” a voice called from the front door, I walked through from his office to the defence against the dark arts classroom to see who it was. “Lizzie?”

I turned and saw the blonde mop that was Maggs, I ran and wrapped my arms in a death grip around her as I cried. “Oh I’ve missed you so much!” I sobbed pulling her away and checking her all over.

“Are you pregnant?” she asked in horror. “With a Snape?”

“Maggs I wish I could tell you what’s been going on, but we could all be killed for it.” I whispered grabbing her hands. “I do love you I really do.”

“Who might kill us all?” she asked and I shook my head ignoring her question.

“How are mum and dad? I didn’t upset them too much did I?”

“They’re devastated and dad’s ready to kill you himself if he see’s you.” she stated and I smiled as tears continued to fall.

“It won’t be long, a year or two and then everything will be good again.” I promised kissing her head.

“I’ve missed you Lizzie.” She whispered and I hugged her tightly. “Is it a boy or girl?”

“Girl, if she has dark hair we’re calling her Blair.” I smiled, “or Elsie or Remy, I need your help so much right now, with Severus here all the time.”

“I’ll write a list and give it to him.” she promised.

“A list of what?” a smooth dark voice asked filling the room. “I suggest you leave Miss Walden and don’t mention anything about your sister to anyone. Understand?”

“Thank you.” she whispered kissing my cheek and running out of the room.

“You did that for me?” I asked tears starting to run a fresh.

“Of course I did.” He laughed wiping my cheeks clean. “You needed to see her, and I need to see you happy, it’s a like a drug. We’re not having a child called Remy.” He smirked placing his hands around my stomach. “You’ve gotten big.”

“Don’t you like it?” I asked feeling my heart drop a little; he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“I love it.” 

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