Chapter Three.

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Severus hadn’t slept well that night, waking in a foul mood and letting it consume his mission, he wasn’t especially meant to kill the “traitors” but he was furious with the way the others were torturing them, mercy. It had to be for these at least. He didn’t like how murdering suited his mood, he didn’t like how he knew he could do it easily, but he knew it would save hours of agony.

“You look different.” Lucius said as we walked through his house to the Dark Lord’s office. “Did someone curl your hair?”

“Elizabeth washed my hair with shampoo.” I ground and he wanted to laugh, I could see it.

“We had to tell Draco to use shampoo as well as conditioner, well Narcissa did.” He shrugged. “It’s not your fault women find you intimidating.”

“Severus!” Narcissa gasped as she met us on the way. “This woman is doing wonders for you.”

I shot a glare to Lucius who shrugged. “When you have a wife, you’ll know gossip is worth more than a thousand pairs of shoes.”

“Do we know her?” she asked.

“No.” I stated

“Does anyone?”

“Draco might.” Lucius smirked in a low voice but Narcissa heard him and stopped us dead. “Nothing dear.”

“You’re dating a student?!” she hissed advancing on me. “Are you out of your mind?!”

“She’s not a student, she graduated last year and she started it, I was quite happy ignoring her. And I’m not dating her; she cooks for me every Wednesday.” I stated and she folded her arms across her chest looking ready to fight the world, no wonder Draco was so well behaved, with a mother like this I would be too.

“Well I hope you don’t express those feelings to her, I’ll kill you myself.” She stated holding Lucius’s hand and stalking ahead; I always managed to do something wrong, no matter the woman.

At 8 o’clock that night I opened my front door at the same time Elizabeth stormed up her front path, she smiled but with a huff. “I didn’t know you worked on Wednesdays.”

“I don’t, but I needed the cash and they asked soo, oh I’m knackered.” She rambled slipping a pair of heels into the corner and letting herself fall over the arm of the sofa, the long layers of her skirt swinging around her legs. She wouldn’t look out of place beside Narcissa.

“We can leave tonight if you’re tired, I don’t mind.”

“No, I look forwards to my Wednesday’s, how about we order in.” she sighed sitting up and grabbing a menu off the book shelf.

She perched on the arm of the chair I sat in, I could smell her perfume. I needed to keep reminding myself that she’s nearly half my age; I can’t like her this way. “I’ll order for you and you have to try everything.” She grinned leaning on me slightly. “Are you alright, you look a little stressed.”

“Didn’t sleep well.” I shrugged looking at her knees.


“Dreams.” I stated closing my eyes and dropping my head back.

“Well you relax then, I’ll get it sorted.” Her voice sounded from above my head.

“See you in 5 then.” She laughed down the phone and jealousy shot through me as I opened my eyes, I shouldn’t be jealous of anything she does or whoever she says them too, she’s 17 years younger than me, the same year she was born, I became a death eater. “What’s up with your face?” she asked rounding on me.

“That lemon chicken sounds disgusting.” I lied instinctively.

“Oh shush, you’ll try it and like it, now let’s see what movie’s are on.” She stated nearly sitting on me as she fell onto the sofa grabbing the remote control. “Seriously Sev, every time I do this you act like some muggle at a witchcraft trial.”

“It’s not my fault; I don’t see why you are so attached to the muggle way of life.”


“I’m surprised you’re not, living alone, the TV is like having a person in your house with you, some programmes even talk to you.” She stated frowning and elbowing him in the stomach.

A blush ran over her cheeks, he was solid muscle underneath all the layers of black, she had suspected for a while, but the elbow to the stomach hadn’t even sunk in a little bit and her mind ran far away as she fought to restrain it, praying to god he wouldn’t take the chance to peep into her mind.

“Elle, hello?” he said waving a hand in front of her face. “The door bell just went.”

“Oh Chinese!” she laughed more embarrassed than before as she grabbed a purse and ran to the front door.

Severus smiled to his self, when she hadn’t jumped at the doorbell, he’d looked at her thoughts; they were of him looking rather naked. Maybe there was hope for the lonely, bad tempered 37 year old. She giggled from the doorway and again, it was starting to become far too common for his liking, jealousy roared through him. He walked to the front door and put his and to her waist, she turned and grinned at him.

The guy holding the food; who looked mid twenties and could be called handsome, scowled upon seeing him. “That will be £22 please Lizzie.” He said as she juggled some of the food.

“Elle, I’ll take this and start plating it up.” Severus said in a low voice to her ear, the smile on her face stuck and she gave the delivery guy money and told him to keep the change.

Elle couldn’t help but to smile, he’d set his hand at her waist, and she wasn’t about to fall into the oven or something stupid, then when he’d spoken into her ear it was smooth, like melted chocolate and strawberries.

Damn it, it was seductive.

She had once thought about Paul, the delivery guy, but since Sev, he’d had little place in her imagination. In the living room Severus had set out the different tubs of food and placed them around the coffee table, a bottle of beer sitting in front of each plate.

“Now this looks amazing to me.” She laughed setting her hand on his shoulder and sitting next to him. “I’ll plate yours, make sure you have everything.”

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