Chapter Twenty

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Skliros seemed calm for such a situation. "No. No need. It was obvious enough, I apologize for making it too easy for you." He remarked before floating over to Kiumbe who was looking at some notes. "I'll make sure to make it harder next time," the Darkrai promises.

"Skliros you're under arrest. Let that Eevee go now!" A Torterra exclaimed in anger. Skliros rolled his eyes. "Fine. You can have her. I don't care. She's not even worth anything." Skliros remarked.

Not worth anything? Fae wondered, feeling slightly hurt. Well, he was a villain, but she thought he would at least be a little nice to her.

Skliros untied Fae and threw her over towards the starters. "Well, that was easy." Paarthurnax remarked. "Hmm, perhaps too easy. What are you going to do now? Are you going to give up?" The black Charizard asked.

Skliros chuckled darkly. His muscles were tense. "What do you think the answer is? It's easy. You can't just get someone to give up something they've been commuting their whole life to. I will get what I want, you know that? You're just delaying the inevitable. Viola made a mistake taking Fae, but hear me out: you and your pathetic Starter Squad are weak. No matter how many there are of you, you won't ever be able to defeat me, nor capture me. Au revoir, Starter Squad. I'll see you when I finally rule over the world."

The Darkrai then disappeared.

"What the fuck?! He just left us!" Rau exclaimed. "Oh well. Good luck in jail." Kiumbe remarked as he teleported away. Viola followed. "Why me," Rau grumbled as the Starter Squad arrested her.

Eon approached his sister with a horrified expression. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He demanded as he reached over to check her out. Fae swatted away his paw. "I'm fine," she assured him with a nervous grin. "It just startled me is all." She remarked.

"Oh," Eon responded, smiling. "I'm just glad you're okay." His expression was nervous still. He seemed bothered by something. Fae shrugged it off. The Darkrai was nice enough to let her go.

But why did he let me go so easily? Was it pity? Did I say something to convince him to leave me alone? Or is there a bigger meaning behind it.

Fae shook her head. This encounter was just an encounter. Nothing more. The Darkrai didn't act all evil. He seemed more like a calm villain more than anything.

"Yeah. I'm great! Skliros didn't hurt me. He just accidentally kidnapped me." She explained.


"Yeah. He told me that Viola kidnapped me. He had no intentions of doing that." She informed him. "Hmm, interesting." Eon remarks, putting a paw on his chin. "Anyways, we should probably go back now. We have things to do. You never got your ice cream! Let's forget about that Darkrai for now. He's not bothering anyone. Though it is odd he ran away. Usually he tries to kill someone or at least hurt someone. Guess he thought kidnapping you was enough of a crime already."

Fae nodded. She wanted her ice cream.

"Let's go!" She cheered in excitement, her tail wagging. Her brother laughs at her with a smile on his face. "Alright." He remarks as they walk back towards Poketown.

The rest of the night was a good one. Fae forgotten about the encounter with Skliros, however she still considered his words. Even if they were lies, she couldn't help but wonder if her brother did have special powers she didn't have. She can sometimes see him glancing off into the distance. Was something on his mind?

What would even be Eon's secret? Does he share this with everyone but me? Am I just not worthy of learning such knowledge?

It made Fae feel depressed about it. She wanted her brother to entrust her with what he knows, but he only wants her to train. Maybe she could talk to him about it later.

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