Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Fae trembled. How could this happen to such wonderful creatures as legendaries?

She shook her head as she kept herself up. Now was not the time for questions.

Fae hesitated. All her friends started attacking while she stood there frozen. How could she attack her legendary friends like that? They've been so helpful to her.

Zen and Lazarus glowed and roared primitively. It seems they had no choice.

"Fae! Start attacking! If we let them get the advantage, then more lives will be lost!" Parvaiz exclaimed as he used Psybeam on Zen. It practically did nothing to the bulky steel-and-fighting type.

Zen roared loudly. The noise echoed throughout the village.

The lime green Braixen was correct. Fae had no choice in this matter. It wasn't even her beloved legendary friends who were in control anymore. It seems as if Skliros was controlling everyone he made contact with.

If only the two legendaries could have fit down the stairs. It would have saved everyone this sort of trouble.

Fae used Quick Attack on Viola. Should she focus on the Gothita again or on the legendary Pokémon? The legendary Pokémon were more dangerous, yet Viola could easily take control of someone's mind if she wanted to.

What hope was there left? If there was more of them say the entire village as well as the Fennekin village then there was some possible hope, but Fae was pretty sure most were either dead at this point or healing their wounds.

Viola turned towards her. "Oh it's you. The annoying little shiny Eevee. Skliros has told me the rewards for if I succeed. You know, it's starting to be more fun to control others now. I could make your friends do anything. I could make you do anything." The Gothita commented with a wicked grin on her face.


Fae leaned away, feeling the Gothita's hot breath on her face. She shivered. Why did the move Hypnosis exist? It should be banned and forgotten about.

"I'll stop you," Fae growled.

This just ensured the Gothita's laughter. She laughed an insanely creepy laugh. "Oh, Sweetie. No one can stop me and Skliros from taking control. Sure the Darkrai may be blind, but he's definitely far more capable than the likes of you. You couldn't even battle. And now? You can battle. Just barely. I have nothing against you. You're okay. A little too cutesy for me, but I have a job to do."

Viola then used Psychic and flung Fae against a wall nearby. Fae cried out as pain coursed through her body. She attempted to get up but couldn't the first few seconds.

Her brother immediately took action, and jumped in front of her. He used Dark Pulse and sent back the psychic-Type Pokémon with anger in his glare.

"Leave her alone! She's doing better than you would in her situation!" Eon roared before stopping. Viola was too far away to hear.

The Dark Pulse had sent her straight into a tent. A few screams came from the inside, and Viola ran out with two heavily injured Umbreon as well as three Leafeon on her tail.

"Get out of our village, you creepy psychic type! We don't want your dumb hypnotism here!" The Umbreon with his ear pierced exclaimed as he harshly used Snarl on her.

The distraction was enough for the two legendaries to receive hits from an oncoming Flameflower from a Flareon who was charging to the rescue.

"Burnnn!" He screamed as Zen reached for his eyes. The attack was scorching near them. He whined as he rubbed his eyes. If not for him being controlled, Fae would have begged for the Eeveelution to cease the attack.

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