Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Sincerity's split tail swished calmly as he put the book down. He closed his eyes. It was almost like he knew this would happen from the start. Maybe he did know from the start.

Fae stood her ground, preparing herself to use Sand Attack or Quick Attack. Something to help defeat this gray Espeon. Or maybe the Espeon would give up. But if Fae knew one thing from fighting Skliros in that battle is that villains never stop.

The Espeon didn't move from his position. "I assumed this would happen eventually," he remarked, approaching as the other Pokémon got tense.

He noticed and chuckled. "Oh please. We can settle this in a more civil way, don't you agree Fae?" He remarks with a casual smirk.

What? How did he know Fae's name?

The Espeon's red gem glowed softly as he stared at Fae expectantly with his golden eyes.

"Uhm," Fae began. She didn't know how to respond to this. Should she just respond with an answer? Should she ask why he knew her name.

The gray Espeon only chuckled. "Yes, I know your name. Dimas has told me all about you. I was starting to wonder when you and your family would arrive, young Bellsprout."

This Espeon was a weird one. Instead of being aggressive he was so casual and calm. He must have known this was how it would go.

"So you don't want to fight us?" The dark green Fennekin asked. His tail was bushed up, expectantly.

This question caused the Espeon to turn towards the Fennekin. "It was never me who wanted to fight you. I was just following orders. I guess I was found out. Yes you were lied to. I lied about what truly happened with the Eevee Village. I feel utterly terrible for what I've done."

The gray Espeon flung the book over towards the group. Fae and the others looked at the book before the Espeon continued.

"Long ago, before any of our time, an Eevee lived together peacefully with a Fennekin. I'm sure you must know this part of the story as well as the other part involving the Eevee betraying his friend and killing him. However, what you may not know is that while the Eevee village above may be tricked and deceived by the history I have written, it is all for a cause. It's no good cause for sure, but it was enough for the still alive Eevee at that point to want to bury what truly happened."

Every Pokémon gasped.

"Why would an Eevee want to bury the past? What was this Eevee's reasoning?" Neri questions with curiosity in her steadfast gaze. She had her paws near her mouth from the shock.

It's just like what mother did! Fae thought sadly. She looked at the ground.

Fae felt a tail lay on her shoulder. She met gazes with her brother who only nodded grimly in understanding. He must've thought the story was similar as well.

Fae knew that however similar it was to Izar's methods, it would always be nothing like Izar's trickery. Izar wasn't manipulative to keep secrets over a death. In fact, she would glorify it. This Eevee Tribe seemed to want to hide the murder of the Fennekin and keep it within only a few close and trustworthy eyes.

"Well, the founder Eevee felt guilty for what he had done to the Fennekin friend he used to be friends with. He had attacked the Fennekin tribe for a selfish reason, and wanted to make it look like it was the Fennekin tribe's fault for what happened. The Eevee founder was selfish. He saw a beautiful female Fennekin. He wanted her all to himself, but she was already aquatinted with his Fennekin friend." Sincerity explained.

The gray Espeon cleared his throat when Fergus yawned and continued.

"Out of jealousy and rage, the Eevee founder slashed down his Fennekin friend in private when they went to go talk out about the territory owned. Misunderstood for wanting to have power, the Eevee was attacked when they realized the Fennekin was dead. He was sent packing back to his own territory, guilty of what he had done. Deciding that the Eevee tribe didn't deserve this sort of knowledge, he sealed away the information in Pokémon such as me—someone like a close scribe or Pokémon who is a seer. He asked them to rewrite the history book many times to make it look even more like the Fennekin tribe was the one who did it."

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