Act 1, Scene 2

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"You just remember what your old pal said. Boy, you've got a friend in me," You've Got a Friend In Me, Toy Story

A simple message of Hello and the chaotic one quickly noticed you.

"U/nnn!!! Hello!!"

Hello, I'm assuming you're TommyInnit?

"Yes, I am a big man with lots of women. Do you like women U/n?"

"... Well that's a great conversation starter Tommy. Yes, U/n, do you like women? And I'm Ranboo by the way." Ranboo seemed to be on the line of sarcasm, humor and friendliness.

Well yeah, considering that one raised me and she's pretty amazing.

"Moms are cool. Nice to meet you U/n! I'm Tubbo!"

Nice to meet you too Tubbo.

"We're on the practice server already U/n so you can hop in anytime. We're practicing parkour first."

Joining the server, you noted that Tommy and Tubbo were streaming the practice and decided to show off average parkour skills. You would log back on in your own time and practice properly later, not wanting to put yourself in the spotlight at the moment. Being noticed in the first place was a change and you were still adjusting.

They tried to make conversation with you, but having to stop to type while practicing was hard.

"Why don't you use a voice changer U/n?" Tommy asked and you panicked and quickly typed.

I'm not comfortable with that just yet. Sorry

It seemed that they sensed that since they quickly reassured you it was fine and you sighed, scared that you messed up in your response. Since they wanted an easier way to communicate, you pulled up a recording device and pulled up their videos and cut certain parts.

Ranboo, noticing your character had paused, stood next to you and continued with the conversation they were having.

"What are your hobbies U/n? Other than doing minecraft... Do you have a job?"

It was silent until the screaming voice of Tommy saying "YES!!" rang through their ears and Tommy screamed in surprise which turned into a laugh. Everyone started laughing as Tommy repeatedly said "It wasn't me, it wasn't me... U/n, U/n was that- hah- was that you?" trying to control his laughter.

The same "YES!!" but less louder since you adjusted the volume responded to Tommy and everyone started laughing again.

You smiled. This felt like you were actually bonding with friends. From another person's perspective, it might have been a bit sad that you had to bond with children who were a few years younger than you, but this was an accomplishment in your eyes. Not outcasted, not in the corner, not forever silent and observing.

You had friends now, you hoped they thought you were their friend as well.

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