Act 1, Scene 7

241 13 1

"Can anybody see? Is anybody waving back at me?" Waving Through A Window, Dear Evan Hansen

The spotlight was something that was never placed upon you, no matter how hard you tried. Therefore, it was only natural you had gotten used to the darkness.


"Hey U/n wanna do a 'try not to laugh' on stream with me? Although- I uh- don't really know when you've laughed, so you better be honest with me!"

Another lead was calling you upon stage and reaching out his hand.

I would love to|

I would love|

I would|

I wou|




I'm sorry|

I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy today, Wilbur. Maybe next time.

You were too scared.

"It's alright! Do you wanna just play minecraft instead? I can set up an event quickly."

But the lead was stubborn and insistent.

"How about some social experiments through minecraft?"

"Or build battles,"

"Ooh! Maybe we could see how intelligent people are,"

I uh


How about later at 3?

— — — — — — — —

"Welcome participants."

U/n: Wilbur, as much as it is entertaining, just stop

"-But Y/n! They're participants! What else would I call them?"

U/n: I mean, stop it with the weird voice. It sounds like you're a mad scientist. A very suspicious mad scientist

"Alright fine- Welcome participants!"

The event ran smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it could go. It was basically a follow the leader social experiment on a minecraft world (with borders). Someone, who you chose, would be given a golden helmet and talking rights and everyone would have to follow that person... Would have to until someone decides to disobey and somehow kill the leader and take the helmet, becoming the leader themselves.

There was a time limit of course, with the amount of players being the amount of money ($10), the one who was the leader would be earning the money, therefore prompting other players to kill the leader to win the money.

As funny as it was, some people decided to follow you instead, who was floating, and Wilbur watched as they threw flowers for you as you landed to collect the flowers, then gave them knockback sticks in return.

"Hey U/n, isn't that cheating?"

U/n: no, it's an experiment, remember? There is no way to cheat when you're observing and prompting the experiment further

"Well, alright then. Say, how about we meet up sometime?" Wilbur said casually while the current leader was making everyone do a parkour or die to fall damage jump.

U/n: Maybe sometime in the future, yeah


— — — — — — — —

"What do I think of U/n?" Wilbur read out during a stream.

"Well, they're kinda shy, but overall U/n's a pretty nice person! They're funny and I can tell they don't step out of their personal bubble a lot of times, but I can tell U/n enjoys our company. At least, I hope U/n enjoys my company."

U/n donated $5

Yes, I enjoy your company. Now pick up your phone. Is your phone on silent?

"Ah- sorry U/n, I'll pick up, give me a moment-"

— — — — — — — —

You were coming out of your bubble. You were walking onto stage, silently without speaking a word.

Yet the spotlight shined down upon both of you.

Upon you and your new best friend.

Wilbur Soot.

Behind the Curtain | Wilbur x Reader (Platonic)Where stories live. Discover now