Act 2, Scene 2

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"And when you're broken on the ground, you will be found." You Will Be Found, Dear Evan Hansen

I'm going on vacation so have a ton of chapters I typed up before I go! (Cause I won't have any time to work on my books so, I shall see you all later!!)

Wilbur followed the clues to the best of his ability, determined to find U/n. Would it be weird? To see someone you've been talking– well, him talking, you typing– to? Your online friend? The first few conversations were sure to be weird, especially since you had warned them in the group chat that you were anti-social at first.

But it felt like the two of you had been friends forever, weirdly enough. You just fit in so well in his friend group and he felt somewhat proud that you were getting out of your comfort zone.

Suddenly getting a notification of you being live on twitch, he quickly clicked on, seeing all of your viewers being confused for the sudden stream. The screen was black, but he could hear some chatter and movement.

The title of the stream was "Playing Real Life Manhunt w/ ¾ SBI (+ VOICE REVEAL???)"

He listened closely and opened the recent picture you sent. And suddenly, he knew exactly where you were.

He sprinted towards the destination, making his way to a water fountain and looked around. And he was sure he found you.

"U/n?" he asked the lady sitting by the fountain.

You looked up and smiled, pointing your phone at Wilbur before waving sheepishly.

The chat was in chaos. They couldn't see U/n, but Wilbur was the first to find you. You ended your stream as you gave Wilbur an awkward hug.

"Sorry- are you mute in real life too? Or just- wait that was rude- sor-" Wilbur was cut off by your soft laughter at his awkwardness.

"No, I'm not mute, though, I do know sign language." You answered him, and Wilbur smiled.

"I get bragging rights."

— — — — — — — — —

"What the f*ck Wilbur? Why do you get to see U/n but as soon as we come she's gone??" Tommy complained as Philza laughed, although disappointed in not being fast enough to find you either.

I did say Wilbur gets bragging rights. I'm back at my hotel now

You were now on a call with them in discord, using the chat feature once more.

"Why don't you just stay at my place? For free!! Hear that U/n? FREE!!" Tommy offered and Wilbur smiled.

"If I were U/n, I wouldn't give up a free 4 star hotel." Wilbur answered for you.

"Psh- That's just- That's just 4 stars! My house is totally 5 stars. It's so much better than a stupid hotel."

But I get room service here

"Actually, U/n, you got a spare bed? I want room service too. I don't want to be in this gremlin's house anymore." Philza asked, and you laughed, looking at the room that was given to you.

I've got 3 beds, no clue why, but I don't have roommates. Wilbur, Phil, my hotel room is open to you both. I'll send the info through dms.

"U/N WHY DO THEY GET TO SEE YOU AND I CAN'T!! I MET YOU FIRST!!" Tommy yelled, and you left the call.

— — — — — — — — —

In the hotel room, Wilbur and Philza continuously teased Tommy while interacting with you. But Tommy was much smarter than they thought. Using the snap map, he found Wilbur's location and asked what room number you all were in. Wilbur, not thinking much of it, told Tommy what number the room was.

And now here he was, camera in hand documenting his journey for his other channel, and knocking on the hotel door.

"What. The. F*ck." Phil opened the door to find Tommy, grinning mischievously and entering the room.

Tommy gasped dramatically as he was met face to face with U/n who also had her snap map open to Tommy's avatar and had a can of coke in her hands.

"You want one?"

"U/n you are officially my favourite sibling."

"Si- sibling? Ah- okay, thanks."

— — — — — — — —

"In this video, I met U/n... and you would not believe what happened! But before this video starts, could you please like and subscribe, not many people know about my Tom Simons channel and it would really mean a lot to me if you could-"

The video cut just as a bit of your socks were shown, your voice muted as to keep your identity hidden. 

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