Chapter 12

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Rue walked into the old stone building that was the Dew hotel. Once inside he was met with the scent of sandalwood, mint and something else. It was a warm and earthy scent that he could not place, but it was a pleasant one. The floors were covered in a velvet-looking dark red carpet, which somewhat made the place feel like a 19th century theatre.

The inside did not match the outside at all. Rue kind of liked that. The place was strange and unique. It reminded him sonewhat of his own building. He was met with a wide open space with large walnut beams and decorative cast iron coat racks on each side with various animal-designs along the length of each. Somehow the hotel felt rustic and extravagant at the same time. The greeter welcomed him warmly and offered to take his bag to his room before showing him to the front desk.

The hotel was unlike anything he'd ever come across in that dreadful town. He wasn't expecting to ever be fond of anything in or related to that place. But he liked the hotel. It had character and reminded him somewhat of the film Moulin Rouge. It was bohemian, homey and warm, yet it felt luxurious and almost a bit forbidden.

It had been years since he'd last been in their town. Long past a decade. What with the older generation passing on, like his grandparents and their friends, and the younger generations having long since moved away to seek happiness elsewhere, it could very well be that the town had changed. New blood could have that effect, even in a town as small-minded as this one. At least he hoped that was true, now that he had had no choice but to return.

"Welcome, how may I help you, sir?" The front desk concierge greeted him kindly.

He stood beyond a large, at least two meter long chestnut desk. On it was a silver bell and a large, black leatherbound book. No computer or digital checking system, but a book and a fountain pen took their place.

They had a phone, but the design was at the very least inspired by a phone from an entirely different era. The bottom part was rounded and looked somewhat like a 15 cm tall black metal can with an intricate golden pattern and a crank on the side. At the bottom of it, on the front, sat a round dial with a circle of numbers. On top of it was a golden part with a holder that the receiver itself rested on. The corded part you held on to had an earpiece and a mouthpiece. One end for listening and one end that you would speak into. Each part was decorated with a golden layer and a black base.

"Hi. I have a room booked under the name Rue Spring." He stifled a yawn.

"Nice to have you with us, mr Spring. If you would just sign here, I'll get you your key."

The concierge walked up to a large locked cabinet and took out an antique looking actual key and placed it on the desk.

"There we are. Here is your key. Breakfast is included in the room fee for the room you booked and it is served between 6.30 and 10.30."

"Thank you. Could you book a taxi to collect me here at 9.00 tomorrow? This is the address I'll be headed to." Rue said and showed him the address that was written in the the booking confirmation email he had been sent.

"Certainly. Is there anything else you need?"

"It is likely your answer will be no, but is there any way I could get something to eat here at the hotel? Perhaps room service, in the dining room or even access to a vending machine?"

"Room service is normally closed at this hour, but... " he glanced at the clock on his wrist under his shirt sleeve, "I do believe the kitchen is still open, although it will be closing soon. Do you have anything in particular that you would like to eat? Any allergies or other food restrictions?"

"As long as it's warm and not too bland, I am fine with anything." Rue frowned as he thought about it. "Though as it is in the middle of the night and I have yet to sleep, perhaps soup would not be the best idea. I wouldn't want to end up tipping it out all over myself."

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