Chapter 50 pt 1

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Rue woke up in his own bedroom, alone, and it was a sensation almost foreign to him by now. It was a little lonely not to wake up with Luca by his side. He had enjoyed having someone else's warmth for comfort at night. And if he was being honest with himself,  he missed their other activities too. But that time had passed.

Luca and Rue talked almost every day and they would visit each other often. Their relationship was beyond lovers or friends. They were part of each other, connected by their very souls, and that would never change.

Jules had come to Rue and asked him for advice and recently, he had managed to gather his courage and make his feelings known. He had a long journey in front of him, but he would not give up. He had loved Luca for more than half his life, and he could wait until he was ready. But he wanted him to know how he felt, and he would keep telling him, keep showing him as often as he'd let him.

Eilish would be moving out this week, and move in with Marcus in Freedom instead. To think they found each other in the midst of all this... Rue was so happy for them.

Rue's wrist was in a cast, and his pottery tools were almost taunting him, showing him what he couldn't yet do, but what he missed terribly.
He made himself some breakfast and decided to plan some new designs to feel less lonely. Bringing his notepad with him to the table and taking a sip of his tea, he got started. Art had been his steady companion for most of his life. Though he had not gone without it completely during the last few months, it hadn't been enough. He missed getting lost in it, entering a world entirely of his own making. Losing time and space and feeling connected to everything at the same time. Art was the magic he could always count on to heal him, make him feel good and make him feel safe.

After an hour or so of drawing with the wrong hand - he was left handed - there was a knock on the door. Rue checked the calendar taped to the refrigerator. He had always been a bit out of it and didn't really pay attention to what day of the week it was or what date. According to the calendar, it was a Sunday morning and he wasn't expecting anyone. Eilish was spending the weekend easing herself into life at Freedom.

He went to open the door and was startled when he saw who was standing there. There stood a young woman there with two small children holding onto each of her hands. They stood almost a full metre from the door, looking as though they were intending to leave. She was wearing a dark brown pilot's hat and sunglasses.
"Sorry" she mumbled and removed them. Her eyes were light brown, almost hazel.

There was something familiar about her, but Rue couldn't put his finger on it. "Can I help you?" he asked kindly.

"Are you... Rue Spring?" She looked around, as if she was not yet certain she had entered the right building.

"I am," Rue said cautiously.

"You sent me a letter. I am not much of a writer, so here I am. My name is Rebecca and I am your sister. And this is your niece and your nephew."

Rue lost his footing momentarily. He was stunned and wasn't sure what to say. How he should respond. He couldn't quite believe this was happening. It felt so surreal. Until now she was almost a fantasy, not truly real for he could not imagine her. But now here she was, very real and very present. Without saying anything, only opening and closing his mouth as though he was a fish on dry land, he opened the door a little wider and gestured for them to come in.

"You're my sister?" He asked even though he'd heard her. He was just trying to take it all in, and his mind refused to let him.

"I am. I mean, I have no DNA-test to prove it, but according to your letter, I am."

"Yes, my letter... I am sorry, I am just trying to take it all in, I guess. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting you to respond to my letter. I wasn't altogether sure it arrived even, what with how the post is. What I mean is, that you would come here wasn't something I was expecting. But you did, and I am delighted to meet you." He smiled warmly. As he looked at her, he noticed she had bags with her. A large backpack that she was wearing and a suitcase next to her feet.

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