Chapter 21

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Luca cleared his voice awkwardly. "It's me."

It was quiet. He would've thought he'd been hung up on, if it wasn't for the breathing on the other end.

"I thought you said you wouldn't call this number anymore." The deep voice finally said.

Luca sighed. "I know Jules, and I am sorry. I had every intention of letting sleeping dogs lie, but something has happened and... I need your help."

"What do you need?"

There was no hesitation in his voice. It made Luca smile. Jules had never judged him for wanting out, for wanting more out of life when he had a chance to actually get more. He hadn't tried to stop him or talk him out of it. In fact, Jules had cheered him on, even while knowing that Luca leaving his world also meant that he'd leave him behind.

Jules had never had a real home, a real family. The streets were cold, harsh and unsafe, but that's all he knew. The Place was the closest thing he had to a real home and the people in the Place were his kin. He belonged there and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He owed them too much. They had taken him in, raised him and taught him everything. He wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them. The Owner in particular. He didn't actually own the Place- no one did. But he was the one who had discovered it, decades ago. He had turned it into a refuge
for the lost ones and with the way society is designed, there will always be lost ones.

The community that Jules belonged to, the people that lived in the Place, they owed everything they had to the Owner. He had saved them, taught them how to survive and shown them that there is still kindness in the world, even though it doesn't always feel like it.

But while Jules had no thoughts about leaving, he had been more than supportive of Luca doing so. He would never force someone who had outgrown the Place, who had a shot at another life, a happier one, to stay there. The Place was for the lost ones and Skyler could see, long before Luca could, that he was lost no more. He knew his friend was destined for another life and he was happy for him. But to make that life work, he had to leave the other life behind completely.

And Jules had been right. When Luca came to stay with Mica and his family, he had to start anew. He couldn't risk causing them problems. While he was grateful to Jules, the Place and everyone there, it felt so good to have a home that actually felt like stable. A home where he could relax and feel safe. Where he knew his life wasn't in danger. Where no one would steal what little he had if he ever let it out of his sight.

It took time, but Luca did end up feeling safe there. His best friend was right there by his side, and Mica truly took him in. He was almost jealous of his best friend at times, for being surrounded by such a wonderful family. He knew nothing of the cold world outside. Sometimes it hurt Luca to be around him. He was so different and he couldn't help but feel that Skyler would never understand him. It hurt to be around someone so bright, so innocent when he himself felt so filthy, so broken. Skyler was so loved and so well cared for. 'Safe' was all he'd ever known. Luca almost felt tainted in comparison. Dark. Like he would ruin him simply by being near him. His mere existence was a threat. He had lived in the real world all his life and had seen the dark truths of society. But Luca loved his best friend and he didn't want to be the one to burst Skyler's happy bubble. Sure he envied him, but more than that, he was thankful that his best friend had grown up so safe and protected. He wouldn't wish his own childhood on anyone.

Never knowing when or where the next meal would come from. Having to sleep surrounded by people, holding on to them and being held on to, only to stay warm. To make it through the night. And not everyone did. There were times when they lost someone during the night. More times than he could bear to think about. That is why everyone had to say their name when they woke up. Why he still did. To see who made it.

Many got sick. The winters were harsh and none of the lost ones had strong immune systems. They could never afford to eat as much as they needed to, only enough to stay alive. They were never warm enough during fall, winter or spring. The summers were mild, but to them, it was the only time during the year when they didn't have to feel cold. It was a great relief to them that they savoured.

Since Luca left, Jules had worked hard on changing the Place. He had taken over the Owner's role, as he had gotten a place at a home for veterans. He had finally been offered help, but he hadn't had any intention of accepting it. Jules had to convince him that he had done enough, given them enough and that he needed to accept the help that he should've gotten when he first came back.

It was too little too late, but it was still better than what they had going, and the Owner was getting up there. He couldn't walk well with his tattered prosthetic and so he had made due with a cane. Over the years his limping had gotten worse as the prosthetic fit his leg less and less. Their way of life had kept his body from being able to heal properly and it had taken a real toll on him. Jules didn't think he could make it through another winter there. The Owner couldn't even get food for himself anymore.

When he finally agreed and left, Jules decided to make it his mission to clean up the Place. To find a way to give it proper heating. Maybe even electricity. But more than anything, he promised himself he would pay the Owner back by helping as many people as he could. Like the Owner, he would take them to the Place and teach them how to survive. But unlike him, he would make it his mission to help as many as he could to regain their spirits and find their way. He'd help them so that they could leave the Place for something more, like Luca once had. He wanted it to be a safe space, but more of a refuge where people could exhale, build themselves back up and then try again.

"I have missed you." Luca admitted. "You are too kind for your own good, Jules. Idealistic even, but I have never been more thankful for it."

"I have missed you too, my friend, but I am glad you are not lost anymore. You deserve to be found. Everyone does."

"So do you." Luca said carefully, but he knew Jules would never leave.

"It is different for me. I know of nothing else and I am needed here. Perhaps one day it'll be my time to move on from this, but that day is not today." He paused to see if Luca would argue with him, but when he held his tongue, he continued. "Now tell me, friend, what do you need?"

Luca told him everything and Jules listened patiently without interrupting. He told him that he would call him back as soon as he had news. And less than an hour later, he did. The people staying at the Place were the eyes and ears of the town and nothing ever slipped past them. There was always someone there who had seen or heard something.

"I know who they are. And more importantly, I know where they are."

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