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Jimin never saw Lisa so dispirited. She didn't say a word till now and was looking out of the car window. He gritted his teeth and felt sorry that he was not much help.
He hated bullies' guts and by just one look at that guy, Jimin knew that he was trouble. He can't believe how a smart girl like Lisa fell for that douchebag.

Lisa was lost in her thoughts when they reached her place. Jimin was not sure what he should do now, as he was confident that he followed the GPS correctly. He pulled over the car near her complex and called her in a low voice, "Lisa, we are here". Lisa collected her thoughts and tried putting on a brave face.

"Yeah, thanks for the lift." She paused for a few seconds and then looked at Jimin and said. "If you are not busy, do you mind coming in for a coffee?" Jimin knew even though she was trying to be brave she is shattered by the previous incident. "Yeah, sure. " He removed his seat belt and got out of the car. Then he went around to open the door for Lisa. "Rose was right, Jimin is too chivalrous." thought Lisa.


"How much sugar do you take" ask Lisa. "I don't add sugar to my coffee," replied Jimin. "Oh, here is your coffee." "Where is your coffee mug," asked Jimin as he took the coffee mug from her "I will drink this ice Americano," replied Lisa as she sat on her couch.

"I am sorry that you had to witness the ugly fight between me and my ex." Lisa addressed the elephant in the room.
"You shouldn't be sorry for anything Lisa. It's not your fault. And that jerk deserved the beating that you gave." Jimin assured Lisa. "I don't know how he knew that I am going to be at the dance studio. We don't share the same social circle anymore." Lisa asked curiously. "This cannot happen again. I am going to file a restraining order against him," replied Lisa.

"But why don't you have a proper security team, at least a bodyguard? Also, stop riding that death trap. It's dangerous." said Jimin with intense earnestness. Lisa smiled at his concern and found him cute. "You sound like my Omma. She also scolds me for riding bikes. I like freedom. I cannot live my life with someone looking after me all the time. Nah, that's not me." replied Lisa nonchalantly.

"Your fans are right. You do have some questionable choices in boyfriend." joked Jimin. "Yahh, nothing like that. Seo-Joon was the only exception," replied Lisa defensively.
"And what about your ex, Lay?" "What about him? He is a nice guy. Yeah I agree he is a casanova but a nice guy." replied Lisa.
"Chincha? He treats his girlfriends badly. It was out in the news when one of his girlfriends accused him of gaslighting" said Jimin a bit passionately. "Hahaha, look at you, all bothered because of Lay. Wae? Did he steal the girl you loved." chuckled Lisa while pointing a finger at him. "Aniyo!!! nothing like that." Jimin said with a sheepish grin while running his neck nervously.

"Lay was my boyfriend a long time ago. I was a kid at that time completely new to the K-pop scene. And not being from Korea always made me feel like an outsider due to which I never had real friends. Hell, it was never easy for me to make friends during school too. I was bullied by senior girls in my school because I danced and rapped well. As my classmates were scared of the seniors who bullied me,  they too stayed away from me. I was always aloof. Through dance, I was able to let out my emotions. Dance healed me and saved me from falling into darkness. That's why you saw my outburst earlier. The one thing I hate the most in the world is a bully. I will never let someone bully me again. Never." Lisa expressed her feelings freely to Jimin.

Jimin suddenly saw Lisa in a different light. His opinion of her shifted drastically and he felt great admiration for her courage. It's not easy going to a different country and adopting its culture. Today she gets so much love from Korea. She deserves all the love that she gets from her fans. No doubt people get attracted to her wherever she goes. It's because she is so courageous and loves herself unabashedly. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot he was gazing at Lisa longer than what is considered normal.
Lisa was too bashful to say anything and looked down. She was luckily saved by her phone which started ringing at the same moment. Jimin returned to reality. "It's Rose," said Lisa to Jimin and put the phone on speaker.  "Hey, Lisa. I tried calling you but it was all directed to voicemail. Are you ok?" "Ne, I am at home" "ok, I saw the video that Jimin sent of the choreography. I and Jungkook loved it." Jimin interrupted and said, "Thanks, Rose." "Wait is that Jimin? But what is he doing at your place," asked Rose. Lisa was too surprised to say anything and shushed Jimin.

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