Valentine's Day

676 10 32

February 14, 2022

A day for couples who celebrate their love for each other. This is when the guys gives their love ones a flowers and chocolates or just walking around the park holding hands and enjoying themselves.


Today's Valentine's Day and we are here walking in the park while everyone was busy giving flowers and chocolates here and there, or just minding their own business. Izzy wasn't with us, she's on a date with Fern.

And then I saw a balloon vendor, he sells heart shape balloons (duh Javi, it's Valentine's). For some reason I looked at Amelia and saw that she was already looking at me slightly smiling while also glancing at the balloons. I didn't noticed that I had stop walking because Ollie snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Hey Javi" Ollie said.

"Huh" I asked startled.

"You've been staring at those balloons, are you gonna buy some?" he asked.

"Uhm no, I just got distracted" I said while glancing at Amelia again. I tried to be subtle.

"You know if you want to buy we won't judge you" said Zayto smiling.

"He's right, who's the lucky girl anyway?" Ollie asked.

I saw Amelia blushed and looked down at the floor. I couldn't help but smile knowing she knows.

"Uh, no one why would you think that?" I asked Ollie.

"Well you've been really mysterious this past few weeks, disappearing all of a sudden, having an emergency. I just thought you were meeting someone, you know?" he said.

Crap. Am I really that obvious? I mean I've been careful, we've been careful. Sure Ollie's a smart guy but he's the last person I would thought to be suspicious of my absence and Amelia's as well.

"Javi!" Ollie shouted.

I flinched at his voice. "What?" I asked. Apparently I spaced out again.

"Are you sure there's no one? You're smiling like an idiot" Ollie said while chuckling.

I just shake my head and continued walking when Amelia pointed out a cotton candy booth.

"I guess I'm up for some sweets" Ollie said and raced to the booth. Zayto and Amelia right behind him.

I walked around a little more and found a bench and sat there waiting for the others. I saw Amelia in my peripheral vision and she took a sit next to me.

"Hey you" she greeted softly. I smiled at her in return.

"Listen Amelia, I was thinking...I was thinking that maybe we should tell the others?" I said looking at her. I saw her pursed her lips like she's thinking.

"I've been thinking about it too, I know we can't hide this for too much longer Ollie's starting to get suspicious" she said then took a bite of her cotton candy.

I couldn't help but stared at her, she's just so beautiful, her soft brown eyes looks even more gorgeous against the sunlight, the wind softly blowing her brunette hair. And her smile, her smile that could lit up the room everytime she's happy which is always.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" she said teasing me. I looked away and blushed, probably redder than Zayto's suit.

"So when are we going to tell them?" I asked her smiling.

"Going to tell who what?" We both got up startled.

"Ollie, Zayto how long have you been standing there?" Amelia asked slightly panicking.

"We just got here, anyways what are you going to tell who what?" Zayto asked.

"Javi...was going to tell you that if you want some heart balloons, just tell him and he'll buy them for you guys" Amelia said smiling at me sweetly.

"Yeaaahh...what she said" I said glaring at her playfully and she just giggled at me silently.

" two are being weird today" Ollie said. We just looked at each other and laughed slightly to ourselves while Ollie is still looking at us suspiciously.

Later at night...


We were back at the base, Izzy and I were just talking casually when Javi step up and cleared his throat. It's time.

"Uhm...I have something to tell you guys" Javi started.

"We wanted to tell you guys that..." I said standing next to him. He smiled at me softly. The he holds my hand and look at our friends. I studied their expressions, Izzy and Zayto are smiling widely while Ollie is still looking confused.

"We wanted to tell you guys that we're dating" Javi said whithout missing a beat. There it goes. No turning back now.

"I knew it!" Izzy yelled. And we were shocked. Are we really that obvious?

"Are we really that obvious?" Javi asked as if reading my mind.

"Honestly? Yes" Zayto said still smiling widely.

" guys aren't mad that we hide our relationship from you?" I asked them.

"Nope, we were actually just waiting for you two to tell us about it, like you guys aren't really subtle when it comes to staring I mean you two kept giving each other heart eyes" Izzy said chuckling.

"Hang on a minute! Since when? And you two knew all along and you didn't even tell me!?" Ollie asked. Feeling left out I think.

"Well, we just started dating a few weeks ago, he asked me if I wanted to go out sometime and I said yes, I really like him" I said looking at Javi smiling.

"Awe you guys are so cute I'm gonna cry" Izzy said pretending to cry while fanning her face. Zayto laughing at her.

"You two owe me an explanation" Ollie said raising his eyebrow at us.

"Maybe some other time Ollie, besides I still have one thing to do" Javi said while looking at me smiling warmly.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Amelia Jones, will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked taking a hold of my hands rubbing circles on my knuckles.

"Yes" I answered him without hesitation. And I was surprised at what he did next.

He kissed me!

On the cheek. He knows I hate PDA especially in front of our friends. He really is the sweetest guy. And gentlemen too. And I couldn't be more happier tonight.

"I'm happy for you two, honestly" Izzy said and she hugged us both. Then Zayto and Ollie joined in and we were group hugging each other.

"Anyways we have to go, we still have a date to go to after all" Javi said taking my hand and smiling at me.

"Yeah we definitely do" I said smiling back softly back at him.

And together we teleported out of the base to enjoy the night of Valentine's Day.

The End.


I totally forgot to include Aiyon and Solon I am so so sorry, I'll make sure to do better next time.

I'll try my best.


This is for you Topofthewinx and Skyland2704 Happy Valentine's Day🖤💖

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