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It was 10:00pm. Lights are still on brightening the whole room in this time of night. It was a quiet night that you could literally hear even your own heart beat. And it was odd that a building full of exciting and interesting stuff could be so...haunted. It is probably the last thing you would assume in this place but...somethings just doesn't make any sense at all.



I am currently busy scribbling for my late night report, this is really exhausting. I'm actually alone right now because I only have a few hours left for the deadline so you could guess me here panicking slightly, anxiety creeping slowly over me. Jane left me the key so I can just close the doors if I'm done and until now I'm still stuck in here. I would literally do anything just to stop Jane from giving us weird reports it's creepy. My thoughts were interrupted when the lights started wavering slightly.

I looked up for a second and it stopped. That's weird, usually Pop Pop fixed those light bulbs easily. Why is it doing that now...? I was interrupted again from my thoughts when I heard a noise? Upstairs in Jane's office?

"Hello...?" I said and stand up to look up there but I saw nothing. The noise continue which I could clearly hear now and it was the doorknob. Someone is fiddling with the doorknob.

"Helloooo...if you're trying to prank me it's really not working" I said again. And for the second time this night I still got no response from whoever is doing it.

"You can stop now because I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!" I tried to raise my voice a little so they can get the message that I'm really not in the mood to play along with their stupid pranks or whatsoever. And again I still got nothing, just the silence. Suddenly I felt the temperature change around the room. Everything is so quiet. Eerily quiet. And hang on...did I turn off the heater? It suddenly became so cold that even my jacket can't prevent it and chills run down my spine. Goosebumps all over my arms to the back of my neck.

What is happening? I tried to composed myself and get back to my report. Only a couple more sentences and I'm finally done with it. Then I started to clean up my things when the noise started again. They're fiddling with the doorknob again.

"Okay! Whoever it is STOP! You're disturbing me!" I said loudly. And just like the first time I got no response. This is really starting to creep me out. I gathered my things quickly and headed for the door but not before I heard a loud bang...just behind me. I stop dead on my tracks and slowly but surely turned back around. This is the most weirdest and creepiest night I've ever had. Papers scattered on the floor, tables are on either side totally messed up and the chairs...the chairs are on top of each other. How on earth!?

I couldn't move from where I am standing right now. My feet are glued to the floor. My breath is coming out short and fast, I'm starting to panicked a little. How did that even happened!?

"W-what the...?" Is all I muttered before the lights started flickering madly. And finally able to move from my spot. I quickly walked out of the room and locked the door. Not even caring if the place is messed up by some weird...I don't even know what happened in there!? What the heck just happened!?

20 minutes later and I got home. I hurriedly went inside then closed the door behind me. I took a few deep breaths before turning around.

"Ah!" I shouted. Izzy was just standing in front of me.

"Ah!!!" she shouted more loudly, maybe startled too.

"Ah!" I shouted again because she's yelling too.

"Ah! WHY ARE WE SHOUTING!?" she asked.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I answered back still shouting.

"What was that!?" she asked raising her arms up in the air

"You scared me!" I exclaimed to her. She just furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"What's the matter with you? You look like you've just seen a ghost or something" she asked studying me. I gulped because surely that wasn't a ghost right? Maybe a monster just messing with me?

"Yow Javi!" she exclaimed snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh...? Uh no, no ghost why would you even think that? Geez" I said and started heading for my room. She just stand there still looking at me confused. I closed the door to my room and started to think again. Haunted...Buzzblast? Ghost? Now that I think about it, maybe just maybe Amelia is right. Ghost are real at some point and I just encounter one of them not even a minute ago. Crap!

I laid down on my bed and think of Amelia. She would be so ecstatic when she hears about this but not me, definitely not me. What just happened to me right there was no fun at all! It was weird, creepy and scary at the same time. Like they're playing you, messing with the lights, throwing things everywhere? Yeah definitely NOT FUN AT ALL.

I closed my eyes and relax my body. I tried not to think much about it. Deciding I would tell Amelia about it, maybe she can solve that one for sure. Ghosts are her thing after all. I couldn't help but smiled at what would be her possible reaction when she finds out. She just look so excitedly adorable whenever she hears about ghosts. Okay, you're daydreaming about her again Javi stop it! I mentally scolded myself. I'm really going crazy here.


Hmm...Part 2?😉

Here you go Skyland2704 your very own Haunted BuzzBlast😁

Manage to put some Garcia siblings banter because why not? I love those two😂


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