Thanks Izzy!

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Have you ever been tease about a person you really liked? Over and over and over again? Especially in front of them? I'm pretty sure that would be the last thing you'll ever want to happened in front of her.


Don't get me wrong, I loved my sister so much but sometimes I can't help but hate her too. She always tease me whenever she get the chance. And nothing could be worse than anything right now.

She found out about my teeny tiny little crush! I mean crush is so for high schoolers but like, I really like her.

Amelia Jones is a sweet girl when it comes to her friends. She's so full of understanding and always positive on things. Not to mention the girl loves ghost hunting activities. She's fierce too, always so determine to do things. Those are just among the things I like about her. What I really liked about her that made me fell in love with her truly is that she gets me. She understands me when no one else does. I remember when we were searching for my Stego Zord, she was the only one who I felt the most concerned about me well except for my sister of course. I just love everything about her personality. I didn't realize that I had space out when Izzy started talking.

"Thinking about her again huh brother?" she asked while smiling at me mischievously. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Izzy stop please" I said pleadingly at her.

"Why should I?" she said teasingly.

" kept embarrassing me in front of her" I told her.

"And that's what I'm totally going for, when are you even gonna tell her? No scratch that, are YOU even gonna tell her?" she asked now more serious.

"Izzy you're my sister, you should know why I can't tell her" I said reluctantly.

"Ollie" she said sighing. And I just looked at her feeling defeated.

"Javi, you can't just give up like that, she didn't even say that she likes him as well, you still have a chance so take it while you still can" she said trying to lighten me up.

"But-" I tried to say when our communicator went off. Apparently there's a sporix beast again. We teleported to their location.

Skip the fight scene because my fingers are cramping...

''Okay I gotta say, that was the most intense fight we had so far, it's exhausting" Izzy said quietly while whining.

"You're right- OW!" Amelia whimpered holding her left arm.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"One of the henchmen twisted it, I was only feeling the pain now, adrenaline rush I guess" she said wincing because of the pain.

"Hang on" I said standing up to get an icepack. I returned a while later.

"Doctor Garcia to the rescue woohoo" Izzy said teasing me...AGAIN. I just glared at her and shook my head.

"Here put this on your arm" I said giving her the icepack.

"Thank you Javi" she softly and smiled at me then took the icepack and put it on her arm. I smiled back at her.

"Anyways, we have a deadline, we have to finish our report" I said looking at Amelia.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about that" she said whining.

"And we should get back to base" Zayto said to the others. They nodded and started walking through the entrance. Izzy turned around tease me one last time.

"Take good care of her Doc" Izzy said then winked. Amelia must've heard because she started laughing.

"Izzy!" I said, my eyes almost popped out and glancing at Amelia and then back to my sister. She just laughed at my crisis.

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