Truth Behind the Lies

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She thought she was protecting him by not telling the truth. Turns out she was wrong.

Utterly wrong.

She saw how horrified he is when he heard what he did, especially to Amelia. The girl he was in love with for almost a year now.

How could he do that? How could he give in to that evil energy and do some horrible things to his team. His friends.


Can he actually call Amelia a friend only? He'd be lying to himself if he said yes. He took a liking to her the moment he laid eyes on her. And he can't imagine himself ever hurting her. Ever.

But the honest truth had been laid upon him. And to make it worst, Santaura, their enemy from the very the one to irritatingly deliver the truth to him. In front of his friends.

In front of Amelia.


She told him nothing bad happened. And he stupidly believed her without hesitation because of the reassurance in her voice.

He looked at her. He didn't know what to feel at this point. Like his body just suddenly shut down and gave up. Feeling everything so numbly. Amelia stand up from the ground and approach him slowly. Seeing how he just sat there, staring blankly at nothing.

Crouch down in front of him, she cupped his face in her hands. Javi flinch at the contact but she had a firm hold of him.

"Listen to me okay? What happened back then was not your fault. You were under the influence of that evil energy. You didn't have control over it and I don't blame you. Never could I blame for something that you have control of. Do you hear me Javi? It's. Not. Your. Fault."

She tried so hard to make him understand that none of it is his fault at all.

"I hurt you"

Amelia barely catch what he said. But she heard it. Clear as a daylight. Very clear that she heard the regret in his voice. Followed by a single tear streamed down his face when he finally managed to look her in the face.

"I-I'm s-sorry" he manage to get out with trembling voice. He tried so hard not to break down at that moment. He couldn't do it. Not in front her.

She only shook her head then hug him. She hug him tightly but comforting. She wanted him to know that she was okay. He was okay. That it wasn't his fault to begin with.

"How cute, after what he'd done to you, I'm surprised you can still hugged him like that. Pathetic" Santaura taunted them. She was standing in front of them. The others are still lying of just sat up. Still processing what they just witnessed.

Zayto being the leader, forced himself to stand up and face her.

"You think telling a lie will break us apart? You're definitely wrong" he challenged.

"Lie?" Santaura asked mockingly.

"Let me ask you then. Did you hear him deny it?" She asked looking at him menacingly.

Santaura thought that wasn't enough. So she continued.

"If you're all not satisfied, I still have one more news...for him" she said and look back at Javi tauntingly.

Amelia's eyes widened at the statement that she spun and stood up quickly. She retrieve her sword from the ground and faced Santaura angrily.

"You've caused enough damage. I don't wanna hear another pathetic lie coming out of your filthy mouth" Amelia could not believed that this is her mother even. How could someone be so evil and willingly break her friends. Javi.

"Oh, but I'm not" Santaura said placing her hand on her chest pretending to be hurt.

"ENOUGH!" Amelia yelled and run towards her.

She swung her sword at Santaura, never easing on attacking her opponent.

Swing after swing, Amelia doesn't even care about the block and blows she receives.

She's not gonna let this mad woman break Javi. He suffered enough as it is. She can't bare seeing him so broken again.

Once is enough. She's gonna put an end to this madness.

Once and for all.



This is kind of a spin off fic from one of my requested story written by Crimson_Scythe on Ao3. Go check it out by the way if you are open for some real angst fic.

I've talked about this fic with my friend Skyland2704 suggesting if she could write it instead. But the idea stuck to me ever since and last night kind of made my complete decision that I should write it myself.

Took the matters in my own hands and kaboom! Here you are.

I suggest reading my friend's story on Ao3 first so you can understand what I'm talking about here😉

"Fever Dreamers" & "Empty Roads"

Hope you liked it.💜

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