Dreams & Nightmares

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They did their best to fight off the monster. But it seems like the monster just get even more stronger every strike they fire at it. It put the whole Pine Ridge to sleep but not only that because he is trapping each and everyone of them in their own nightmares. They didn't know what else to do but to keep fighting. Luck is definitely not on their side this time.

"I don't know how much longer we can fight him. He's definitely getting stronger by the second" Zayto informed the team.

"What are we going to do?" Aiyon asked their leader. The red ranger seem to be contemplating about this decision.

"I've got nothing else but to back down for now. EVERYONE RETREAT! We need to get back to base and see what else can we do to defeat this monster. I'm sorry, but this is the only way" he said solemnly to his team mates who is looking at him. He may not see it but he knows at this point they feel all defeated. For now they needed to back down.

The monster seems not finished yet because the next thing they know they are on the ground. Bruised, exhausted, beaten and unmorphed.

"No one can ever defeat me! I now owned this town! You rangers are just some pathetic weaklings, you are nothing against me. Look around you, too quiet right? People are in deep sleep drowning in their own nightmares. I can feel and taste all their fears!" the monster said menacingly.

"You'll never win" Amelia said looking at the monster with so much hatred in her eyes. The monster only chuckled and started walking towards her.

"Oh really? But look who's still standing up and laying on the ground between us? Isn't it you Pinky...and your worthless team mates" the monster said crouching down to her and gripping her jaws tightly.

"Hey! Get away from her!" the black ranger said trying to stand up but failed miserably.

"I will, but I still needed something though..." the monster paused for a second just looking at Amelia intently before getting a hold of her left wrist where her morpher is wrapped around it. She tried to put up a fight against the monster but she just doesn't have the energy in her so the monster successfully got it.

"Give that back you asshole!" she screamed at him but the monster payed her no attention. The monster said his farewell and teleported away along with Amelia's morpher. At this point, she just laid there on the ground on her side. Head on her right arm while salt tears started to run down her face slowly. She closed her eyes and continued to cry silently.

The others somewhat manage to gained some of their energy back after lying on the ground to take a moment for themselves. Javi immediately went to her side the minute he realize he can stand and walked again but still limping.

"Amelia, hey we need to go back to based so we can treat your wounds okay?" he said to her softly and called for his sister to help him with Amelia. The pink ranger took most of the hits based on her bruised and wounds. Together the team teleported away to their based and Javi hurriedly carried Amelia to their emergency room.

"Oh my, what happened to her?" Solon asked while preparing all the tools and first aid kits for the unconscious female ranger laying in Javi's arms.

"T-the monster took her m-morpher a-and s-she she-he h-he striked h-her" Izzy explained stuttering. She was the only one who saw the monster striking Amelia causing the pink ranger to lost all her energy.

"What?" Javi asked. He looked at his sister intently. Izzy looked back at him and a lot of emotion in his eyes. Either fear, shocked, sadness but most of all hatred and fury overflowing from his brother. She know about his feelings for the unconscious girl laying on the bed. She's not surprised that Javi would react the way he did when she told him.

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