Little Help Please?

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College life was never easy for a guy like Javi Garcia. An overachiever slash football captain slash talented singer and definitely handsome. Girls at his school sometimes- well more likely to chase him around for his attention. It was nice at first. He found it amusing that the other students adored him. But as the days went by, it just got crazy and overwhelming.

Adoration becomes obsession real fast. Girls would follow him everywhere. Even when he's in class, they're always hovering by the window waving and giggling. It's sickening honestly. He didn't know what else to do but to run away from them every time he's wandering around the school.


It was early Monday morning and Javi was at his locker getting his things for the first period. There weren't many students yet because he purposely went in early to avoid his 'fangirls'. He was looking cautiously left and right, making sure no one was going to chase him. Safe to say, he made it to his first period peacefully.

Math class went by surprisingly smoothly. Javi was really glad about it. The bell rang indicating that class is over. He gathered his things and headed out. Once he sets his foot out of the classroom he hears a very loud scream followed by 'THERE HE IS!!'. And Javi just had one thing on his mind at that point. Run.


Amelia Jones walks down the long hallway of Pine Ridge school. She was annoyed. Her dad called and told her to come because he needed her help. She didn't know what kind of help but it better be worth the long drive she spent just to get to the damn school.

She made it to the office and immediately opened the door.

"I'm here. This better be worth it whatever it is that you need me for" she said once she got inside.

"Amelia, hi welcome to Pine Ridge" her dad greeted. She gave him a blank stare. She was not amused at all. She sat at the chair in front of his table.

"Well hello to you too" her dad said once again. She still ignores him and continues staring, waiting for the important thing he needs her for.

"Alright...I'll get straight to the point then. Will you be one of the judges for the upcoming cheer squad competition?" her dad asked.

Amelia thought about it. Her dad knew she was one of the best cheerleaders at her school. They won a lot of competitions.

"Alright fine, I'll be one of the judges" Amelia agreed. Her dad handed her a folder. She opened it.

"For the confirmation" her dad said and smiled widely. She chuckled and signed the paper.

"Is that all?" she asked, handing back the folder. Her dad nodded still smiling.

"Alright then...Imma head out now, it'll be a long drive back to school" she murmured and walked towards the door.

Amelia was almost at the front gate when she reached into her pockets only to find that her car key was missing. She must've forgotten it in the office. She immediately walked back and headed to the office.

She got there and quickly opened the door only to be blocked by a couple of bunches of girls screaming.

"What in the world...?" she muttered in disbelief.

"Hey excuse me! Coming through! Excuse me!!" she said loudly and the girls parted away immediately.

"What is wrong with you people!?" she exclaimed loudly.

"BABE!!" a guy yelled. Amelia looked in front and saw Javi behind her father. What is he doing- wait...did he just call me babe?

"Oh my god babe I missed you!! Why didn't you tell me you were visiting?" Javi said while walking towards her then hugged her tightly.

"BABE!?" all the girls in the room including herself exclaimed simultaneously.

"Yeah BABE!?" Amelia asked incredulously.

"Girls, I want you to meet my girlfriend. Amelia Jones" Javi introduced. He's definitely dead after this. Amelia looked at him confused.

"Just go with it please?" Javi pleaded silently. Amelia stared at him in confusion and just nodded, still clueless to what was going on.

"Anyways, I forgot my car keys, have you seen-" she saw her dad dangling the keys.

"You're welcome" her dad said and smiled widely again.

"You're leaving already?" Javi asked.

"Yup" she said simply.

"Can I walk you out then? Please?? Pretty please??" Javi asked pleadingly. He even gave her the puppy eyes.

"Fine" Amelia finally said rolling her eyes. They were about to head to the door when Javi looked back at her dad. Like he's silently asking him to escort the other girls out of the office.

"Okay fine I'll go with you. Alright girls, all of you out. Now, go go go!" he announced and the girls immediately went out.

Tarrick and Javi successfully walked Amelia out to the front gate without much of a commotion.

"I just wanna ask. What the hell was that all about? Why'd you call me babe?" Amelia asked loudly.

" see. I'm kind of...famous here" Javi said.

"...hmm...that explains those screaming girls" Amelia said looking back at the school. She heard Javi sigh beside her.

"What?" she asked curiously.

"I really hope they leave me alone after what I'm about to do...and please don't kill me!" Javi muttered quietly.

"Kill you- what?" Amelia asked completely confused.

Javi pecks her on the lips and then runs away frantically. Leaving a shocked Amelia on her spot.

Her dad laughed out loud because of what just happened.

"JAVIER!" she shouted but Javi had already gone inside.

"Dad! Are you seriously just gonna let him do....THAT!!?" she asked still in shock. Tarrick just continued to laugh. His ship is definitely sailing right now. Amelia continued to glared daggers at him.

"What? He's my favorite student" he said still laughing loudly.

"Oh so now you have favorites" Amelia said. She smiled and looked at her dad.

"Well you know who's MY favorite?" she asked.

"Who?" Tarrick asked laughing still.

"Rina. And her delicious pumpkin pies" Amelia said and got inside the car. She started it and then drove away.

Tarrick just stood there in front of the school. Flabbergasted. His daughter definitely knows how to kill the mood.


Hallooo!! I'm back once again!! I hope you enjoyed this. I definitely did.

Imagine Javi running away in the hallway from a crowd of fangirls. That is a really funny scenario. And it's stuck in my mind!! So I made it into a one shot.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Let me know what you think about this update. Byee!!


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