April Fools!

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Apparently this day would be the best of the best because we all know April Fools is all about jokes and pranks. And maybe even make it better by pranking some of your friends right? In a most unexpected ways.

Amelia Jones is a nice girl, as nice as she can be. She's a happy go lucky type of person. So you could just imagine her in her little bubble of happiness and never care what the others would say. But there's just a certain boy who happens to really get into her nerves that all she could think about is getting him back for being annoying. And what would be a better way to get revenge on April Fools Day? Prank him on a hardcore level.


Here I am right now, waiting for the right moment to set my plan for the one and only Ollie Akana. Of course I have my camera here to get all the reactions from him whenever I'm done with it. I never told any one about this prank so I guess that would be a bonus for more reactions. Just need to find a good spot where to hide my camera. Javi was outside waiting for the others so that gives me perfect timing to get ready.

Twenty minutes later...

The others should be here any minute now, I'm just chilling on my chair waiting for them. I can't wait to see their reactions once I'm done with this prank. It'll be all caught on the camera, and maybe I'll post it online for the viewers of Buzzblast so they can have a good laugh too.

"Amelia we're back" Javi said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Hey guys" I said smiling at them. I got straight to my role of being nervous and fidgety so they won't be suspicious.

"Uhm...c-can I talk to Ollie? For a minute?" I asked nervously. Damn I should get an Oscar for my acting. They seem to notice my odd behaviour so that means it's working.

"Okay?" Ollie said dragging the Y at the end. I know he's skeptical but I'm still gonna try my best.

"Is everything okay Amelia?" Javi asked concerned. I can't believed this is working. Kudos to me!

"Uh yeah, everything's fine don't worry" I said reassuring him.

"Uhm...here Ollie sit here" I said motioning to the chair beside me. He obeyed and sat on it facing me. The others are still there so I told them if they could leave us for a minute. But knowing them, I know they were gonna eavesdropped on us so that's good. I noticed that Javi kept staring at us skeptically. But when I looked back at him, he would just looked down at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I hope he doesn't get mad at me after this. This was exactly the total opposite of what I feel.

I like Javi Garcia.

Ever since I met him, I knew I'd like him all the way. I might be even in love with him at this point. I just couldn't help myself falling for him. He might not know it but he is the most sweetest guy I've ever met in my entire life. Very gentleman too. Even Pop Pop liked him when I introduce Javi to him. He's always there for me whenever I'm sad and he's the one to cheer me up and tells me that everything is gonna be okay. He's just everything that a girl could've ever asked for.

"Hello, you said you wanted to talk to me??" Ollie said breaking my thoughts. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Time to prank Ollie Akana.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you something" I said and took a deep breath. He was looking at me still skeptically.

"Here goes nothing. You know ever since we've met, I just have this f-feeling that...I don't know, I'm sorry I'm stuttering" I said laughing nervously. I saw him looking back at our friends and I did the same. Javi had that same look on his face I can't pin point. He's so hard to figure out sometimes.

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