Halloween Chaos

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Halloween is one of the most exciting season to be celebrated. People dressing as scary characters they like and kids scattered on the street knocking on the neighbor's door exclaiming Trick or Treat!

Amelia Jones is like a kid on christmas opening her first ever gift when it comes to halloween. She tend to go a little bit overboard sometimes but PopPop sure wouldn't mind a bit more of decorations in the house.

She's currently hanging the little ghost ornaments just outside their house. She's standing on a chair while attempting to put the last remaining ornament when the chair started to wobble a bit because of the distance on the spot she's trying to put the ornament on. But before she could fall on the ground, the wobbling immediately stop. She look behind her to see Javi holding the chair steady for her and smiled.

"Hi!" he greeted her.

"Well hello to you too Garcia" she greeted back chuckling.

"I see you're excited for the halloween" he stated while peeking inside her house.

"Oh I'm actually not finished yet" she smirk mischievously at him and wiggled her eyebrows. Javi just look at her and smiled knowing Amelia is not gonna go simple today.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Amelia asked.

"Well, we are done decorating at the house so I thought of going here after to see if you and PopPop needs some help?" Javi asked hopefully.

"Well, mind helping me with the pumpkins?" she asked smiling at him.

"Not at all" he said and proceed inside the house where the pumpkins are.

"You and PopPop sure did a lot of carving" he said after seeing the pumpkins on the table.

"Well, as everyone says 'it's not halloween when you don't have a pumpkin' you know?" Amelia said and Javi and her just laughed at her silly statement.

"Speaking of decorations, buzzblast needs a halloween makeover. I'm sure Jane is going crazy there" Amelia said chuckling.

"I'm worried about that ghost with anger issues though" Javi said frowning.

"Ghost with anger issues? Really Javi?" Amelia asked laughing slightly.

"What? He attacked us remember?" Javi said pouting.

"It's called poltergeist" she said chuckling at him.

"It's totally the same. He throws stuff, that's some anger problems right there" he said again pouting even more. Amelia couldn't help but pinched his cheeks because of his cuteness.

Javi blushed afterwards at what she just did and started carrying the pumpkins outside. Amelia just chuckled at him again and started carrying the pumpkins as well.


After setting all the decorations in Amelia's house they headed to buzzblast to prepare for the halloween party later.

They were on the front entrance when Amelia's phone rang.

"Unknown number huh? Who could this be?" Amelia said curiously and hit the green button.

"This is Amelia speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hello" a gruff voice said from the other line.

"Uhm...hi? Who's this?" she asked looking at Javi confused. Javi was just looking at her with the same expression.

"What's your favorite horror movie?" the voice asked gruffly. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows at the question.

"I'm sorry what? Who's this?" she asked again. Javi motion for Amelia to put it on speaker. But before she could do that the person yelled at her.

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