Dwelling in My Past

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"There's no such thing as ghost"

"They're not real! Why can't you just stop?"

"No more of these ghost stuff okay? Enough!"

Those are just the few things people say about her so called "ghosts obsession". At first, they don't really affect her that much but as the days goes by, it's finally catching up to her. She's starting to doubt even herself on why she keeps looking for them, investigating and seeking. But in the end she got totally nothing.

She was just staring blankly at her computer. Debating whether she should delete her channel or not. The little arrow was pointed directly at the DELETE button and her index finger is hanging on the mouse of her computer. Literally just one clicked and it'll all be gone. But she just kept reminiscing the good old times when she was just starting. She immediately clicked on her very first video she ever uploaded online.

She was in an abandoned house, it wasn't big or small, it was an average house. Legend says that the house was left by the owners because weird things keeps happening. So when she found out about it she immediately plan everything to be perfect for her hunting. But sadly she got no any reactions from inside the house. Turns out it was all just a rumor and the neighborhood just wants to scare people for fun. She was a bit disappointed about it but it didn't stop her to persue her passion for ghost hunting adventures.

"Okay so there's nothing much here in this house, it's quiet sad that we didn't get any type of reactions so...yeah. I guess this wraps up our video for today, I hoped you guys enjoyed this. Make sure you Like! Subscribe! And turn on those post notifications! for more videos. See you on the next one byeee!!"

She just watched her very first video and can't help but feel nostalgic about it. She was so happy that she finally got to do what she love the most. But it was sad at the same time because people judge you by doing it. She didn't even notice the few tears slowly running down her face. Seriously, people are getting a lot awful these days. You get a chance to do what you want in life then they judge you on why you do what you do.

"Hey Amelia" someone greeted her and she immediately wiped her tears away and look up to see Javi pulling his chair beside her and sat down.

"You watching YouTube?" he asked looking at her screen then smiling at her softly. She just hummed because she didn't trust her voice if she speak up.

"Is this like a throwback thursday or something? That's your old videos" Javi said noticing the dates below the video contents.

"Uh no...I just like to watch my old videos" she simply said and look back at her computer. Javi snatched the mouse from her hand and clicked on her latest vlog of the day that says 'Goodbye Youtube'. She made one yesterday because she didn't know if she can ever continue with her adventures without being judge and criticize by everyone.

"You're quitting Youtube?" Javi asked looking at her wide eyes. She just simply smiled at him and continued watching the video.

"Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my channel. So there is no hunting adventure today. For todays video is going to be about me thanking every single one of you out there who believes in me and supported me all these years. I wouldn't even be where I am today if it weren't for you guys"

Javi paused the video for a second to look at Amelia because he still can't believe that this is actually happening.

"Why?" is the only thing he asked. Amelia for once, didn't know how to answer him. She didn't know what to tell him. She just kept opening and closing her mouth, still speechless.

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