Boss is Tired, Boyfie to the Rescue!

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Being a reporter is exhausting. Boss is giving you an article after article after article. But managing the whole network is more exhausting AND stressful. Everyone is depending on you. You have to do this, you have to do that. You barely have time to breath and have a little moment with yourself. And only Amelia Jones know all this. You see, she was currently in charge of their reporting network BuzzBlast. Jane their boss along with J-Borg took some vacation to travel around places. So all the pressure is on her right now.


It is 1:00pm in the afternoon and she was currently sitting on her desk trying to finished her last report for the day. She didn't bother to eat lunch even when Javi invited her to eat outside. She refused and said she needed to finished it as soon as possible. So right now she was scribbling through her article with a grumbling stomach. She's pretty sure Javi can hear it who's sitting beside her desk and working on his own article too. She can see in her peripheral vision that he kept glancing back at her whenever he hears that sound.

"Are you sure you're not hungry Amelia?" he asked finally.

"No, I'm okay don't worry about it" she said without looking at him and continued typing away on her laptop.

"You've barely eaten anything for the past few hours. Can you please stop working for a moment and eat something?" he asked worriedly. While Amelia appreciate her boyfriend's concern she still can't because her report is due tomorrow and needed to be finished right away. She still have a lot stock on her desk beside her honestly. He already insisted buying her lunch earlier but she refused it. She didn't want him spending money on her even if they're already in a relationship. She just can't do that. She thought that it would be rude because she have her own money to buy it so she told him not to worry about her.

"Javi I already told you I had a big breakfast this morning, I can still manage don't worry about me okay?" she finally faced him and saw worry written all over his face.

"I promise I'm okay, I got this. Stop worrying" she said and smiled softly at him while touching his cheek and caressing it softly. He put his hand on top of hers and squeeze it lightly. One thing about their relationship is that they don't have to say anything to know that one is concern and the other is in distress. They have their own language of touch. I guess you could tell that they're just that comfortable with each other.

"Alright, but tell me if you want anything and I'll get them for you okay?" he said which she nodded at and smiled endearingly at her boyfriend. She really got lucky to have him. He's so caring and sweet and sometimes adorable. Seriously, can this guy get even more gentleman? She just loves him so much it hurts. He always prioritizes her when it comes to a lot of things which made her fell in love with him even more. He's thoughtfulness is just on another level.

"Okay" she simply said and he let her get back to her report still a bit worried.

A few more minutes have passed and Amelia started to noticed that her vision is was getting a bit blurry. She rub her eyes to clear it and for a second she can see the small letters on her screen again before the blurriness came back. She put her hand on her head just to feel a little sweat slowly dripping down her face. She look back at her laptop and the blur was still there. She closed her eyes for a second to relax herself. When she open her eyes back everything was clear again. She sighed in relief. She did felt a little thirsty though so she quickly stood up to get some water only to be greeted by dizziness. Good thing she manage to hold on to her table and on the arm of her chair. Javi quickly looked at her and saw that she had her eyes closed and still holding onto the chair and table tightly.

"Woah there, are you alright? You're looking a little pale babe. I thought I told you to tell me if you need anything? What happened?" He asked frantically while putting his hands on either side of her cheeks.

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