Something's Brewing

111 2 47

'Ghost Café'

A cafe Javi had been in the past couple of weeks now. Not to say Javi is a coffee maniac no— he just likes the place and the way his coffee is served to him.

But also because he might have developed a little crush for the girl who had been serving his coffee to him.

He's been in and out of the cafe a hundred times yet he still can't get himself to ask for her number.

He keeps sending her a not so subtle look here and there. And she would just simply smile back at him with a faint tint on her cheeks.

Today she decided to bring his sister with him to the café.

They sat on his usual table spot.

As usual, she would take his order.

"Hi welcome to Ghost Café, what can I get you?" she asked softly.

Javi can't help but stare at this beauty right in front of him. Soft brown eyes, long curly brunette hair flowing freely behind her, soft thin lips—

"Javi!" someone woke him up from his staring.

"For god sake brother stop staring and tell your order" his sister Izzy scolded him.

"Oh...uhm I'm so sorry uh...I'll take the usual" he said and the girl finally left.

He looked down in embarrassement. He heard a snicker across from him and he look up just to see his sister shaking her head in amusement.


"Oh brother, my dear dear brother" Izzy said while clicking her tongue.

Javi furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"You're an idiot" Javi didn't know if he should be embarrass or offended by her statement.

"Is that why you've been going here for a month now?" his sister asked teasingly.

"No?" it came out more of a question than an answer. Knowing his sister knows this kind of behavior his showing, he knows he's screwed.

He sighed in defeat. He put his hands on the table and clasped them together in front of him.

"I don't know...she's just really beautiful and she's been serving my coffee like everytime I'm here and I just—"

"You're too shy to ask for her number" it was a statement. A statement of truth.

Izzy knows his brother can't even flirt to save his life. So she took the matter into her own hands.

"I'll just go to the bathroom" she said and stood up.

Javi left alone waiting for their order.

A few moments after and she serves their coffee at their table.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, have a nice day" she said kindly.

Javi was on his third sip of coffee when Izzy sat back down at their table.

"What took you so long? Your coffee's getting cold now"

"Long line, had to wait it out" Javi just hummed in reply while sipping his favorite coffee.

"Here" Izzy said a slid a piece of tissue across to him.

"What's this?" he asked. His sister didn't answer so he just opened the tissue still confused.

He smiled when he saw what was written on the note.

He look back up to his sister only to find her already looking at him with a shit eating grin on her face.

"You're welcome" she said still smirking.

Javi just shook his head smiling and look at the note again. Her name along with her number.


Lovely name, just like her.


Welp. This is short.

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