part 5

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the camp didn't last long it broke down at midnight. it was funny. we had to make the camp from scratch, which was less funny. but me? i could not stop laughing. i felt so happy with them 

the next morning we were woken up by guy's alarm clock "guy your alarm sound is annoying and boring. change it thank you" we heard jesse say and that made me laugh again"does she ever stop laughing?" says fulton"I don't think so" guy says

"GUYS WE HAVE TO GO SOON WE WILL BE LATE" guy shouts"WHAT HOW LONG DO WE HAVE" I shout back"10 MINUTES" he shouts for the last time"OH MY GOD WHAT" i shoutwe all panic and run outside but then we realized we forgot our things so we all ran back to his house and packed all our things and ran to the ice rink."are we on time?" asks jesse"I have no idea" Guy says while we all quickly put on our things in the changing room. when everyone is ready we try to run with our skates and finally we arrive at the rest

"are we on time?" I whisper to the 3 boys next to me"uh judging by the face of coach I don't think so" answer jesse to my question"okay guys let's start" our coach sayswe are all tied together and now we have to start working as a team. i hear dwayne say something about goats but i didn't listen because i felt hands against me "somebody better watch their hands" i say and i hear a little "sorry" coming from behind me. i look and see guy and next to him connie. she gives me a dirty look. is this ever going to stop?"yea someone licked me" I hear averman say "ewww" I say. then we smell something, someone farted. we all look at goldberg and say "GOLDBERG" but weirdly it wasn't him "hey it wasn't me" he defends himself"no, it was me" I heard and I knew immediately who that was. i look at dean and say "isn't something to be proud of""but i am proud babe" i roll my eyesthen the coach whistles on his whistle "i dont know how to make this any clearer" we hear him say "you are a team and to win this thing, you have to work as one" i sigh "now as one, skate" i can't believe we have to do this

we try to skate together but all fall over "WHOA!!" we all say "if everyone goes their own way you will fall. get back up and try again" slowly we all stand back up "alright all of you move to the right now!" dean says "who made you the boss?" fulton asked dean "everyone to the left" dean said proud he can say it "yeah left guys cmon" but at that moment we fall back "aw man" i say "you guys can argue all you want but i'm not untying you until you move as one"and after a while it worked, we did it.

after that we were allowed to stop this stupid game and go do something else. I wonder what that will be. "you guys are starting to look like real hockey players proud of y'all. you worked hard today" we all looked at him "but hockey also should be fun" 

"dwanne" our coach says "yes, sir" replies dwayne "round me up some stray cattle there" he nods and looks at the team "with pleasure" and then the team skated away from dwayne. the game is that dwayne has to catch us with his lasso, i still like it and if you are caught you have to get off it. then we dance with dwayne.the training was over, we went to the changing room and changed. today was fun. i was done changing so i decided to ask guy something. "hey guy" i said sitting next to him "hey y/n" he said and looked at me "are we going to your house for our stuff later? i think fulton and jesse's stuff is still there too so then we can better take it  if that's okay with you""yes that's okay" he said "okay i'm going to tell fulton and jesse and btw i had a good time with you last night, should we do more" he nods and i disappear from his sight on my way to fulton and jesse

"hey guys" "what's up?" said fulton "hey y/n" said jesse"we first go behind our stuff from guy, is that possible for you?" they nod "yeah of course""okay i'll wait with guy at the exit will you come then?" "yes we'll be there in a few minutes" jesse says to me"Do you know what I find weird?" guy says to me "tell me" i say looking at him "we're always the last one here" he says laughing out of his mouth and i start laughing with him "that's true"after that guy suggested to wait there on that bench because we have been standing up for a while and our legs are tired so we sit on the bench and talk for a while until we see jesse and fulton coming "they are there" i say as i start to stand up and i pull guy up too "let's go"we skate to guy's house. he opens the door for us and we break camp because we ran out of time this morning. after the camp was gone we started packing all our stuff.

"yo jesse and i are going to leave, see you guys tomorrow" fulton said and with that only guy and i were left. we talked for a while until it was time for me to go home "guy i had fun with you but now i really have to go home, see you tomorrow" i said as i picked up my things "wait i'll open the door for you" I still hear him say and see the door that opens for me "thank you guy""you're welcome" "and i had fun with you too, see you tomorrow y/n" 

I walked home with a smile on my facewhy?no idea..

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