𝑖 - jason

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Even though Jason couldn't remember anything, he was pretty sure this had been the worst day of his life. He'd woken up in the middle of nowhere with no memories, got attacked by storm spirits, and found out he could fly the hard way. Also, these two complete randos were super convinced they knew him. Like, suuuuuuuper convinced. 

"What happened?" His 'best friend,' Leo, groaned from the ground. "The tornado guy, the gold sword... I hit my head. That's it, right? I'm hallucinating."

Jason felt like he was in a fever dream too, but somehow he knew this was real. Leo's words caused him to recall his sword. He went over to pick it up from where it was knocked away and out of instinct flipped it. Midspin, it shrunk back into a gold coin.

"Yep," Leo said. "Definitely hallucinating."

"Jason, those things--" Piper, his 'girlfriend,' spoke up. She was soaked with rain and shivering.

"Venti," he said. "Storm spirits."

"Okay. You acted like... like you'd seen them before. Who are you?"

Well, if he knew, he'd tell her, wouldn't he? He shook his head.

"That's what I've been trying to say. I don't know."

The sky began to clear. The other juvenile criminals on the field trip gaped at them from behind the glass doors of the visitor's center.

"Coach Hedge said he had to protect three people," Jason remembered. "I think he meant us."

"And that thing Dylan turned into..." Piper shuddered. "God, I can't believe it was hitting on me. He called us... what, demigods?"

The term rang a faint bell in Jason's head. Things like that kept happening-- something would seem familiar and his head would hurt like it was working overtime. But when he tried to remember more, nothing came up.

"Don't know what demi means," Leo said, staring up at the clouds. "But I'm not feeling too godly. You guys feeling godly?"

Maybe? Jason thought, but was distracted by the sound of glass cracking.

"We need to get off this thing," he said. "Maybe if--"

"Ohhhhh-kay," Leo cut him off. "Tell me those aren't flying horses."

Perhaps Leo was hallucinating. But when Jason looked up, he was right; in the distance there was a chariot approaching, pulled by gray pegasi.

"Reinforcements," Jason decided. "Hedge told me an extraction squad was coming for us."

Leo struggled to his feet, stumbling into Piper who steadied him. "Extraction squad? That sounds painful."

"And where are they extracting us to?" the girl asked.

Suddenly, someone leaped out of the chariot, which was still a deadly distance away. Jason choked, Leo cursed violently, and Piper let out a little scream. Wings, much like that of the pegasi except black, appeared on their back, and a girl touched down lightly in front of the trio, whose jaws dropped in shock.

Jason's breath hitched in his chest. He wasn't sure how he knew, but he was sure that this was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen (or one of the most, the other also being someone he'd met today: Piper). Her copper skin practically glowed, her slanted golden eyes practically burned. She was short but athletic-looking, with yes, okay, he noticed, killer curves. Her fitted orange shirt had a logo on it in a familiar yet indecipherable language, and she had a lot of jewelry on, multiple chains, chunky rings, and two dark daggers strapped to her hips. Her face looked like it had been sculpted by the gods themselves, with perfectly proportioned features, a sharp bone structure, and soft, pink lips. An angel, Jason thought. His next thought was, the gods themselves, not God himself. Where had he gotten that from?

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