𝑥𝑣𝑖 - jason

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What better way to spend your eighteenth birthday than on another horrifyingly life-threatening double date with your amazing, lovely girlfriend; your best friend, who you may or may not have kissed once; and her overpowered boyfriend, who may or may not absolutely hate your guts? You know what, Jason could think of a better way: actually enjoying the picnic his amazing, lovely girlfriend had laid out with her new cornucopia in the shade of an olive tree under the hot Roman sun. But alas, things never really seemed to work out that way, did it?

In fact, they didn't even make it to cake, because Percy and Ash shadow-traveled in right on top of it, one already blabbering worriedly about Annabeth and the other bemoaning the purple frosting now decorating her sneakers. They regrouped on deck so that certain someone (one guess as to who) could clean her shoes and her boyfriend could fill them and Coach Hedge in at the same time. When Percy was done with the story, Jason was still having a hard time processing.

"So Annabeth was kidnapped on a motor scooter," Piper summed up, "by Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn."

"Not kidnapped, exactly," Percy said, exchanging an uneasy glance with Ash, who was squatting on the floor beside him. "I've got a bad feeling, Perce..." she mumbled, wringing a rag in her hands.

Percy took a deep breath, like he was trying hard not to freak out for her. "Well, she's– she's gone. Maybe we shouldn't have let her, but–" 

"You had to," Piper finished for him, voice infused with a little of what Jason was beginning to recognize as charmspeak. "You knew she had to go alone. Besides, Annabeth is tough and smart. She'll be fine."

She sent him a somewhat guilty look when Percy's shoulders relaxed, but Jason wasn't about to say anything. Maybe it wasn't the coolest thing to do, but they really didn't need Percy or Ash getting hurt because they were too distracted worrying about Annabeth in battle. Annabeth herself would flay them alive if they did.

"Maybe you're right," Percy sighed. "Anyway, Greg–I mean Tiberinus–said we had less time to rescue Nico than we thought."

Ash looked up from where she was sliding her white Forces back on, expression filled with the utmost concern. "Hazel and the guys aren't back yet?"

"It's two in the afternoon." Piper checked the helm control, beginning to sound nervous as well. "We said three o'clock for a rendezvous."

"At the latest," Jason said. He hadn't realized how much time had already passed.

Percy pointed at Piper's dagger. "Tiberinus said you could find Nico's location... you know, with that. And Ash, maybe you could..."

Both girls bit their lips and both boys happened to look away at the same time, also happening to make eye contact on the way.

"I can tell he's nearby," Ash said, "but his energy is so weak, I.... Maybe if I could get closer..." Percy held out a hand to help her up and then kept it there after he had, tugging the girl into his side.

"I've tried," Piper followed up. "The dagger doesn't always show what I want to see. In fact, it hardly ever does."

"Please," Percy said, clasping Ash's hand in both of his. "Try again."

Oh man, there were those seal pup eyes again. If they'd worked on Annabeth, Piper had no chance, and once Ash got in on it too Jason knew she was a goner, even if he also knew she hated looking in that knife. Gods, he didn't want to see what it would be like if those two ever argued. He'd like to think his best friend would tear that boy to shreds, but honestly, she'd probably just cry.

No surprises here, Piper sighed, "Fine," and drew her dagger.

"While you're at it," Coach Hedge piped up, "see if you can get the latest baseball scores. Italians don't cover baseball worth beans."

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