𝑖 - frank

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"Come on," Percy said, throwing one arm around Hazel and one arm around Frank. "Let me introduce you to my other family."

Despite his nerves, at the pure happiness in his friend's voice and a smile from his girlfriend, Frank allowed himself to be led out on a tide of overexcited Romans and down into the forum. It was pretty disorienting, to say the least, to exit the Senate House just to discover the sunshine blocked by a big-ass flying ship.

It was, however, the most incredible ship he'd ever seen, all endless expanses of bronze and billowing sails, with a dragon at the head of it all. A rope ladder had been thrown over the side, and several figures were starting to climb their way down it. Frank was wondering who was who, having heard many stories about the demigods of Camp Half-Blood, especially two in particular, when he heard Percy's breath hitch in his chest. The boy broke away from them and sprinted headlong into the crowd just as a dark figure fell straight off the side of the boat.

Hazel screamed from beside Frank, along with many others in the crowd, but suddenly the falling figure slowed, lowering to the ground in a gentle descent. As they pushed their way through the hubbub, struggling to keep up with their friend, Frank just managed to catch a glimpse of black wings before they disappeared behind a bunch of heads. All the random facts Percy had shared about his alleged girlfriend came rushing back to him.

When Frank and Hazel finally reached Percy, he was standing beside Reyna and practically bouncing up and down in excitement. A group, undoubtedly the Greeks, was making their way towards them, led by a blonde, grey-eyed girl who he supposed was Annabeth. Frank resisted the urge to gulp, because he literally couldn't tell who was more intimidating, her or Reyna, and Reyna had always scared the pants off of him. Flanking the Greeks' leader were another two people Frank had never met before, but still recognized immediately: Jason Grace, their missing praetor, looking very serious and son-of-Jupiter-like, and Ash, daughter of Thanatos, looking very.... cheerful, and excited. So this was the girlfriend he was always babbling about?

For a long, tense moment, the two girls at the heads of their two groups measured each other up. It was Reyna who made the first move.

"Jason Grace, my former colleague, I welcome you home..." She said the word 'colleague' like it was dangerous, but Frank didn't have much time to process that as Percy abruptly surged forward, the girl called Ash doing so at exactly the same time.

They met in the middle in a passionate kiss, Percy lifting her off the ground and her legs wrapping around his waist. It was just long enough for Frank to start feeling uncomfortable. For a moment when they broke apart, an incomprehensible babble of laughter and chatter arose, 'I love yous' and 'I missed yous' as they hugged each other tightly and Percy spun them around. Then, just as he pulled away to look at her, the girl bent backwards, legs tightening around him and palms hitting the ground. She flipped Percy in a high arch over her body and Frank's jaw dropped open; it was a move that not even some of their strongest centurions could have pulled off. Percy hit the ground with a loud THUD. Many around them gasped in surprise, grabbing for weapons that weren't there. The girl completed her backflip to straddle his chest, pressing an arm against his throat. Some Romans started forwards, only kept at bay by Reyna's call of "Hold! Stand down!"

Blinking tears back from her eyes, she threatened Percy, "I swear to all the gods, if you ever pull something like that ever again..."

Frank had seen enough to be properly terrified of her, but of course Percy had the nerve to laugh.

"I missed you too, Angel," he chuckled.

Ash took his face in both her hands and leaned down to kiss him once more, much to the legion's discomfort. However she seemed to recall their compromising position quickly and pulled Percy up with unnatural speed, where he wrapped an arm around her waist with a huge, shit-eating grin. Frank and Hazel shared a somewhat befuddled and apprehensive look at that, like ...Okayyyy?

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