𝑖𝑖𝑖 - asphodel

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What the Hades was that all about? Ash thought to herself. Chiron was acting weird, weirder than usual. She needed to talk to Annabeth.

Unfurling her wings, she took off to find her best friend and their new charge. She flew over the camp, waving at those she knew and throwing awkward peace signs at those she didn't. If she was being honest, Ash hated the way everyone at camp seemed to have heard some story about her, even if she hadn't talked to them more than once. But she also kind of got it. The whole saving Olympus thing? Sort of sticks with you.

Eventually she spotted the familiar glint of golden hair outside the Oracle's cave. Excitement ran through her, maybe Rachel had news about Percy! She zipped over and touched down in front of where Annabeth and Piper huddled together on a rock.

"Hey, girls!" She said, willing her wings away. "Is Rach--"

She cut herself off at the sight of Piper's face. Her lip was wobbling, eyes swollen like she'd just been crying. Annabeth sat by her side, arm over her shoulders, looking guilty about something.

Ash knelt in front of Piper and gently wiped away some of her tears. The girl attempted to smile, but face quickly crumpled, starting to sob instead. Ash took both of her hands in her own.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

Annabeth shifted uncomfortably. "We were just--"

"Talking about how the past three months of my memories are fake and Jason's not really my boyfriend and never has been?" Piper cut in.

"Yeah, that..." Annabeth looked down and gave Piper's shoulders a squeeze.

"Oh, honey," Ash said sympathetically. From what Jason told her, she'd guessed that the Mist played a heavy role in Piper and Leos' memories of him, but her heart broke at seeing how distraught the girl was over it. She must have really liked him, or at least thought she did.

"I'm so sorry, Piper," Ash said, rubbing her thumb in circles over her hands. "This must be so hard for you, feeling like you lost your boyfriend. I kind of know what that's like." Annabeth grimaced and gave her a sad look.

Piper looked up at her, eyes watery. "I just can't believe... I know we had something. And now it's just gone, like he doesn't even recognize me. If he really did just show up today, then why? How'd he get there? Why can't he remember anything?"

"Good questions," Annabeth said. "Hopefully Chiron can figure that out." She looked towards Ash, who nodded, silently telling her that Chiron was talking to him now.

"And hey," Ash added, "you and Jason can figure it out too. He's here now and would have to be very stupid to overlook a girl like you. Maybe it'll happen for real. Just give it time."

Piper nodded slowly. Ash only hoped she'd made her feel better.

"Are you ready to go back down?" Annabeth asked. "We should probably get you settled."

"Is it okay if we stay up here for a few more minutes?" Piper sniffed. "I just don't want to go down there looking a mess."

"Of course," Annabeth said, and Ash moved to sit next to them, still holding one of Piper's hands.

"H-how are you doing? With your boyfriend being missing and all?" Piper asked, looking cautiously at Ash.

A fist clenched around the black-haired girl's heart. She and Annabeth made eye contact over Piper's head, but Ash quickly looked away. Annabeth could read her like a book, and if she wanted to try and keep Piper's mood up, she couldn't have her best friend glaring at her accusingly with every word.

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