𝑥𝑥𝑣𝑖𝑖 - jason

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an: we're baaaaaaaack

They had never been in worse shape. After the fight on Mount Diablo, Jason didn't think he could ever feel more afraid or devastated. Now his sister was frozen at his feet, he was surrounded by monsters, and he had only a plank of wood for a weapon. He'd pulled his biggest ace calling down Zeus' lightning earlier, so his only assets currently were one whiny imprisoned goddess; one sort-of girlfriend with a dagger; Leo, who apparently thought he could defeat the armies of darkness with breath mints; and Ash, who probably could defeat the armies of darkness with breath mints, but looked so ragged and exhausted he wasn't totally sure she could stay standing long enough to try.

On top of all that, his worst memories were starting to flood back to him, the more than thirteen fucking years of training and battle and almost getting killed, and it was overwhelming, to say the least. Yet despite all that, he knew for sure he'd never been closer to Death than he was right now.

No, literally, because the shadows seeping off Ash's livid form were starting to stick to his feet, and they were cold, so very cold. He had to actively fight the urge to shake them off like fire ants as he stared the enemy down. Khione smiled, dark eyes glittering, as a dagger of ice grew in her hand.

"What've you done?" He demanded.

"Oh, so many things," the snow goddess purred. "Your sister's not dead, if that's what you mean."

"Which is the only reason you're still standing right now," Ash snarled, voice as cutting as the sword in her hand. Jason wondered if he could ask to borrow a knife before remembering all her blades were Stygian iron. He didn't really want to know what would happen if he tried to wield one.

Khione tipped her head back and laughed. "Oh, I think I would enjoy killing you, demigod. Unfortunately, I may not have the pleasure of doing so. Perhaps I can visit you in the Underworld once Porphyrion has arisen and we rule this planet."

"Traitor!" Hera shouted. "You meddlesome, D-list goddess! You aren't worthy to pour my wine, much less rule the world."

"For real, Elsa," Ash muttered, sneering at a wolf at the front of the pack until it backed down. "Let it fucking go."

Khione's smile became a little less sickly sweet and a little more sickly deadly, and Jason honestly wasn't sure which was their biggest loose cannon right now: her, Hera, or Ash.

"Tiresome as ever, Queen Hera. You, I've been wanting to shut up for a millennia." She flicked her fingers at the prison and ice sealed the spaces between the earthen tendrils so Hera was hidden out of sight. Well, that was one cannon down at least.

"You, on the other hand," Khione mused, turning back towards them, "I've been wanting to end for much less time, but nevertheless–"

"You're the one who tricked Hera into coming here," Jason said, cutting right to the chase. He didn't need any of this evil villain bullshit right now. "You gave Zeus the idea of closing Olympus."

The wolves snarled, and the storm spirits whinnied, but Khione held up her hand, stalling their attack. "Patience, my loves. If he wants to talk, what does it matter? The sun is setting, and time is on our side. Of course, Jason Grace. Like snow, my voice is quiet and gentle. It's easy for me to whisper to the other gods, especially when I am only confirming their own deepest fears. It is a small service for Gaea, but I'm sure I will be well rewarded when her sons come to power."

"You could've killed us in Quebec," Jason interrogated. "Why let us live?"

Khione wrinkled her nose. "Messy business, killing you in my father's throne room, but I did at least try, you remember. Once he'd given you guarantee of safe passage, however, I couldn't openly disobey him. My father is an old fool. He lives in fear of Zeus and Aeolus, yet is still powerful. Soon enough, when my new masters have awakened, I will depose Boreas and take the throne of the North Wind. However, my father did have a point. Your quest was suicidal. I fully expected you to fail."

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