𝑖𝑣 - jason

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The two girls led him through camp and towards a newer wing of cabins in the southwest corner of the green. Some were fancy, with glowing walls or blazing torches, but Cabin Fifteen wasn't so dramatic. It looked like an old-fashioned prairie house with mud walls and a roof thatched with reeds. On the door hung a wreath of crimson flowers--poppies.

"You think this is my parent's cabin?" He asked.

"No. This is the cabin for Hypnos, the god of sleep." Annabeth explained.

"My father's twin," Ash said, then pointed to a building to the left. "There's my cabin, number 16."

Jason turned his gaze to see what would have been a cute little cottage if it didn't look utterly haunted. It was constructed from dark wood with dark stained glass windows, and seemed to have been built in a permanently shady spot, even though there were no trees nearby. The roof was thatched similarly to Cabin 15's, but of a grey plant with white flowers that Jason recognized as asphodel itself. A frieze of a skull and scythe hung over the door, which was flanked by inverted torches burning with green fire. The ground around it was littered with blooms of golden poppies. Like in California, Jason thought, then wondered, AGAIN, why in the world he thought that. 

Desperate to distract himself from the pain of another growing headache, he looked away from the flowers towards the two girls. "Then why--"

Ash cut him off. "You've forgotten everything. If there's any god who can help us figure out memory loss, it's Uncle Hypnos."

Inside, even though it was almost dinnertime, three kids were sound asleep under piles of blankets. A warm fire crackled in the hearth. Above the mantle hung a tree branch, each twig dripping white liquid into tin bowls. Jason was tempted to catch a drop on his finger just to see what it was.

Soft violin music played from somewhere. The air smelled like fresh laundry. The cabin was so cozy and peaceful that Jason's eyelids started to feel heavy. A nap sounded like a great idea; he was exhausted. There were plenty of empty beds, all with feather pillows and fresh sheets and fluffy quilts and-- Ash nudged him. "Snap out of it."

Jason blinked, eyes refocusing. He realized his knees had been starting to buckle.

"Cabin Fifteen does that to everyone," Annabeth said, sounding amused. "If you ask me, this place is even more dangerous than the Ares cabin."

"At least with Ares, you can memorize where the land mines are," Ash muttered.

"Land mines?" Jason asked.

But the two girls ignored him. Ash walked up to the nearest snoring kid and shook his shoulder. "Clovis, mon amour, wake up!"

The kid looked like a baby cow. He had a blond tuft of hair on a wedge-shaped head, with thick features and a thick neck. His body was stocky, but he had spindly little arms like he'd never lifted anything heavier than a pillow.

"Clovis!" Annabeth yelled as Ash shook him harder. She finally resorted to knocking on his forehead like a door.

"Wh-wh-what?" Clovis complained in a thick French accent, sitting up and squinting. He yawned hugely, making them all yawn as well.

"Stop that!" Annabeth said. "We need your help."

"I was sleeping." He said petulantly.

Ash rolled her eyes. "You're always sleeping."

"Good night."

Before he could pass out, Ash yanked his pillow off the bed and tossed it to Annabeth.

"That's not fair," Clovis protested meekly. "Give it back."

"First help," Ash chastised. "Then sleep."

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