𝑖𝑖𝑖 - hazel

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The trio faced the chained god of Death as ghosts began to form ranks around them, cutting off all points of entry. News flash: they'd made it to Alaska, and this was their final stand.

"Thanatos!" Hazel called. "We're here to rescue you. If you control these shades, tell them--"

Her voice faltered. As the god raised his head and spread his dark wings, his hood fell away and his robes dropped to the ground, leaving him in only a sleeveless tunic. He was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. His skin was like dark teakwood, silky smooth and glowing with a bronze undertone, his eyes as brilliantly gold as Hazel's own. He was lean but extremely muscular, with a regal, angular face framed in black braids flowing down to his shoulders, and wings that glimmered in iridescent shades of blue, black, and purple.

Hazel reminded herself to breathe. "Oh," she said in a small voice.

"It's Cupid," Frank said.

"A really buff Cupid," Percy agreed. "Well, at least I know where Ash gets it from now."

His girlfriend was related to death? That seemed like something he maybe should have mentioned, considering how they were on a quest to literally free him. Hazel shook her head in confusion and annoyance. How did a son of Neptune end up with a daughter of Thanatos anyways? The god threw his head back and laughed, a deep and melodious sound.

"You compliment me," he said, in an equally as gorgeous voice. "I am frequently mistaken for the god of love. Death has more in common with Love than you might imagine. Of course, Perseus Jackson, you may know more about that than others."

His eyes examined Percy closely, making the boy shift uncomfortably. "You know," he continued. "My daughter has, quite literally, been raising hell in her search for you. You've caused her quite a bit of emotional distress."

"Er, sorry?" Percy said, scratching the back of his head. "Sir," he added hastily. Hazel shook her head again and even had to resist rolling her eyes. It was a wonder this kid hadn't been smited yet.

Thanatos arched an eyebrow at him, looking every inch the disapproving father-in-law. "Well, nevertheless, I am Death. I assure you."


Yeah, turns out the assurance really wasn't needed, because by the time all was said and done, they were very much convinced that this was Thanatos. In fact, all three of them had nearly embraced him about ten times each as Frank broke his chains, Hazel fought the giant Alcyoneus, and Percy soloed a whole legion of undead soldiers. After the god was free and Frank had helped kill Alcyoneus once and for all, the trio warily regathered at the top of the glacier where Thanatos casually tapped away on a sleek black iPad.

Death looked up from what Hazel really hoped wasn't an app for reaping souls, grinning as he gave them all big thumbs-ups. She blinked at his unexpectedly cheerful countenance. "You made it! Fantastic work. And with that, I believe our business here is complete!"

Frank and Hazel exchanged nervous looks. "Um..." Hazel faltered. "You mean you won't... you're not going to–"

"Claim your life?" Thanatos asked. "Well, let's see..." He swiped at his iPad for a second, squinting at the screen and muttering to himself. "Dear lord, what has that girl been up to... a complete mess is what this is.... Nope! I don't see either of you on the list. Looks like your father is giving you a pass, my dear, and looks like you've got a little more fuel to burn, Fai Zhang. You, on the other hand," Thanatos turned to Percy and pointed at him accusingly, although there was a playful glint in his eye. "You're still on thin ice."

The edge of Percy's mouth quirked up. "Good thing I can't drown, then," he said bravely, and Thanatos tipped his head back and boomed out a laugh, "That's the spirit!" Hazel finally allowed herself to relax. They were in the clear. Mostly.

"What about the Doors of Death?" Frank asked. "Where are they? How do we close them?"

"Ah, yes, the Doors of Me," Thanatos mused, and Hazel swore she heard Percy cough out a laugh, mumbling 'like father like daughter.' "Closing them would be good, but I fear it is beyond my power. This is something you must do yourselves."

Thanatos turned back to Percy, stepping forward, and all of them clearly resisted the urge to move back. Then, to Hazel's utter surprise, he put a hand on the demigod's shoulder. "I believe you may see my daughter before I can. I must go at once to take her place at the borders as she comes to find you. So, will you tell her hello for me?"

Percy nodded slowly, and Thanatos squeezed his shoulder with a small smile. "Thank you, son." And with that, the god of Death dissipated into black smoke.


"Percy!" Tyson came running across the forum, Ella fluttering behind him with a scroll in her talons. When they reached the fountain, Ella dropped the scroll in Percy's lap.

"Special delivery," she said. "From an aura. A wind spirit. My sister. Yes, Ella got a special delivery."

"Good morning, brothers!" Tyson had hay in his hair and peanut butter in his teeth. "The scroll is from Leo. He is funny and small."

The scroll looked unremarkable, but when Percy spread it across his lap, a video recording flickered to life on the parchment. A kid in Greek armor grinned up at them. He had an impish face, curly black hair, and wild eyes, like he'd just consumed multiple energy drinks. He was sitting in a room with timber walls and lamps swinging from the ceiling like a ship's cabin.

Hazel stifled a scream. Impossibly yet unmistakably, this was Sammy Valdez.

"What?" Frank asked. "What's wrong?" She didn't answer him, hands beginning to shake and stomach beginning to churn as she scooted closer to watch over Percy's shoulder.

"Hello there!" said the guy in the video. "To whomstever Roman official this may concern, greetings from your friends at Camp Half-Blood! Et cetera. This is Leo. I'm the..." He looked off screen and yelled: "What's my title? Am I like admiral, or captain, or--"

A somewhat raspy but clearly feminine voice yelled back, "Repair boy!" and Percy made a strangled choking sound.

"Are you guys okay?" Frank asked worriedly, looking between the two of them, who must have both looked like they'd seen ghosts. 

"Very funny, spookster," the boy named Leo grumbled. He turned back to the parchment screen. "Hey, if there's a Percy Jackson watching this, your girlfriend is a real pain in my ass."

Hazel looked over at Percy, eyebrows raised, to see him unabashedly tearing up, wiping at his eyes furiously while Frank very awkwardly patted him on the back.

"I heard that, flame brain! Your lifespan just got significantly shorter!"

Percy laughed tearfully. "Where are you?" he murmured to the video, clutching it tightly in his hands, "Let me see you," and suddenly Hazel kind of felt like maybe she was going to start crying too.

"Anyways," Leo said loudly, "I'm the... ah... supreme commander of the Argo II. Yeah, I like that. So we're gonna be sailing toward you in about, I dunno, an hour in this big mother of a warship. We'd appreciate it if you didn't, like, blow us out of the sky or anything. Okay? Okay! If you could spread the word to the other Romans. See you soon. Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out."

The parchment turned blank, and the ghost of Hazel's first boyfriend was gone.

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