𝑖𝑖𝑖 - asphodel

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Ash awoke to a large WHOOSH! as the ship listed to starboard dangerously. She was in the medbay, laid facedown on a bed so her wings drooped off the sides. She fluttered them experimentally and sighed in relief when she felt no injury.

She sat up and cautiously peeled the bandage covering the arrow wound back. Nothing there. Ash grinned, stretching to full wingspan, relishing in the fact that they seemed completely healed. Thank the gods they weren't as mortal as the rest of her, because she was sure that would not be a fun rehab process.

She gently took off the various bandages and tape stuck to the feathers, checking to make sure there weren't any open wounds or broken bits beneath them. She wasn't exactly sure where her wings went or did when she wasn't using them, but didn't think mortal medical supplies would agree with whatever it was. So only once that was done did she fold them and will them away.

Ash got up out of bed, raising her arms and stretching in an attempt to work out the remaining knots in her back. She finally noticed Jason lying on the cot beside her. He looked, to put it simply, really bad. He was pale and still deeply unconscious, with a thick pad of gauze on his forehead. Worried, she walked over to him and touched his arm, relieved to feel that he was pretty much chillin'. Damn, Piper wasn't kidding about the thick head.

At the same moment, Piper herself bustled out of the supply closet holding some nectar and an ice pack. The girl squealed in surprise at seeing Ash up before coming over to attack her in a tight hug.

"Never try to save us again, got it?" She said before releasing her to sit by Jason's bedside.

"I make no promises," Ash chuckled, taking a seat beside her.

"I honestly thought Percy was going to finish the job on Jason when you passed out." Piper commented, pressing the cold compress against the aforementioned boy's forehead. "So besides the obvious, there's another reason not to sacrifice your safety."

"Hey," Ash raised her hands, "I'm my own woman, Percy's his own man. Can't help it if he wants to throw away what I worked so hard for."

Piper laughed as she brushed a few strands of hair out of Jason's eyes. Ash had just gotten up to find the others when Leo and Hazel passed by the open doorway. Leo's face lit up at the sight of her, but before he could say anything Piper held a finger to her lips for quiet. The boy beckoned Ash out to follow him and Hazel down to the mess hall.

"Team meeting," Leo explained. "Glad to see you awake."

"Me too," Ash grinned. "How long was I out for?"

"Mmm, hour or two. We're in Utah right now, Great Salt Lake. The supplies I need to fix the ship are all somewhere around here."

"That's great, Leo!" She clapped him on the back.

He paused, letting Hazel get ahead of them. "So, you aren't mad at me? For firing on New Rome?"

Ash cocked her head to one side. "So you did do it?"

Leo rubbed the back of his neck in shame. "Shouldn't have said anything. But yeah, I did. Swear it wasn't really me though, it was like... like something else was controlling me. Something cold."

Ash's expression darkened. "I believe you, Leo, really. I sensed something like that hovering behind me this morning before Terminus arrived. Felt like a vengeful spirit, which is weird because I didn't see anything. But maybe you were possessed."

"Great!" Leo exclaimed, starting to walk again. "I like the sound of Possessed Leo more than Crazy Rome-Destroying Leo! Is it weird that I'm hoping I was possessed?"

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