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"Hey Fierce eye. I have a question." Nanon asked nonchalantly as he stared out through the comfy blanket that covered almost all part of his body and to Ohm whom sitting soundly near the window watching over him with his arm folding over his chest.

Nanon have been noticing that the young man have been following him wherever he goes and never lose sight of him whether if he choose to lounge around in any vacant of a villa they were staying, including his own.

Yet, he does not do that discreetly. He stayed with him almost 24/7 and never takes his eyes off him. He was like a loyal guard dog that would stand for hours to accompany him. Sometimes, Nanon even wondered if he would follow him when he is doing his business in the male bathroom.

He finds it rather funny if not flattering to the fact that he prefers to stay by his side more than anyone else however. He doesn't talk much but despite the fact that he would always kept his mouth sealed, Nanon have a tinee, huge crush and is starting to grow fonder of him day by day.

He's eccentric but gentle. He's a little quiet, perhaps too quiet but also sweet. He's too serious but caring. Despite all that, he likes him.

Ohm tilted his head a little bit upon Nanon's inquiry. He has been resting on a chair with his head against wall next to the window nearly falling asleep when he heard Nanon's voice spoken to him which instantly snapped into wakefulness to his soft voice.

"What is it?" He asked after a long pause and gaze at him with his default unreadable expression.

Nanon giggled at his face, knowing that his seriousness meant nothing and that he didn't feel intimidated by him any longer. He then propped himself into a sitting position and darting straightly at him.

"Well.. I was just curious about how can you put up with me after all I the mess I've caused.. -And for how the way I treated you?" Nanon asked, burying his arm under the blanket and at the same time shyly anticipating Ohm's answer to his question. "I'm not sure you're doing it because of your duty or.. If you're really being protective knowing how my situation were."

Nanon's last statement came out with a shy tone and with a head slightly bowing down to the floor, suddenly losing the courage to keep the eye contact.

"I'm not doing this because it's my duty, and not because I have to." He answered back almost immediately. "It's just-" He then stopped, looking out the window momentarily unsure of what he was thinking by then before looking back at Nanon. "I just feel like, I can't stay far away from you."

Nanon turned speechless that his heart jumped at his response, getting his hopes up if just a little bit, and he smiled again awkwardly. "What do you mean?" He asked.

When the fierceness of the muscular guard's expression suddenly turned into a soft smile, that was when Nanon immediately flushed into scarlet. He'd never witness that sort of replies from him. Underneath that seriousness of his, he's a lovely man. Nanon was so drawn to his smile that is perfectly genuine, as if it gives him serontonin everytime he looks at it.

Ohm's action next, baffled him and his face did not hide this. Slowly he made his way to Nanon and bury his arm behind the neck thus, made him lying down to the comfort of the hotel's bed.

He was behaving strangely, which was a bit unusual of him. However, Nanon wasn't complaining. He stayed silent and succumbing to the young boy gently moving next to his side.

"Like this." He said softly to Nanon with the attractiveness of his voice.

Ohm's big strong arm that seemed very protective when fully wrapped around his body, made Nanon lies comfortably with his head buried onto his chest. His scent that gives off the strong combination of all floral smell infused him with pleasure.

He sniffled close to his neck with his eyes slightly shut. Ohm gazed down to Nanon whom fallen deeper to his lovable scent and giggled softly to his behavior. He finds it cute.

He slowly, yet gently seized Nanon hand and intertwined it between his fingers. The warmth of his big hand overtake the coldness shivering air which offers him only a calm feeling.

"I don't know if it's wrong for me to do this but, we're both do not belong in the same world." He softly said.

"And?" Nanon asked.

His deep and dominant voice that came out with his last statement had left Nanon speechless. He scratched his head to express his hesitation before leaning towards him and doing the unexpected- peck Nanon's lips.

"Is it wrong for me to like you?"

It was soft and quick but full of respect. He looked so innocent with his eyes closed to the fluffiness of his long lashes as their lips touched. But, it took a moment for Nanon to process his brain after the kiss. He didn't expect that someone so accentric would pull the suddenness of an action that had left him even more confused and surprised than sweet and tingly and the fact that it ended so quick left him wanting more.

"You call that a kiss?" Nanon said as he fumed upon realization a few second later. A cute blush accompanying the sparkling glint in Ohm's beautiful orbs.

"I-" He muttered and pulled away but before even able to speak more, however, Nanon grabbed his neck and pulled him closer, slamming his lips boldly against Ohm's and capturing his mouth in way he weren't able to earlier.

Nanon kissed him so roughly that he made the poor man gasp. But then a tiny smile creeping up to Ohms's face a moment later and returned his action with equal flare and passion that he completely forgotten he pecked Nanon so innocently not a few minutes prior.

For a moment they were sinking deeper into that kiss, Nanon never felt safer and full of comfort as if he was in a perfect dream. He wishes he were someone ordinary who could fall in love with ordinary people. He had no worries, no fears, just a calm feeling.


P/s: This is only a starter story. It gave me ideas to the plot so I can finally write something..

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