Part Eighteen

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"Do you like Ink?"

As if he mentioned something that might as well be true, a glint of surpriseness was evident in his eyes for a split second before Ohm rubbed his temples with his right hand.

"Er~" He paused at his quiery, eyes blinking couple of times as he truly didn't expect he would ask such thing.

Just when his thoughts beginning to gather around him nor was he even able to respond at first, but Nanon immediately got off the bed.

"Forget I ever asked you that." He stuttered and swiftly rambled out of the room.

He paced up his walking and slammed the door shut the second he entered his room. His mind was so hazy and blank, and he wished he wouldn't have uttered something so random and foolish.

"What were you thinking Nanon?" He told himself calmly. At least he were still sane.

He stared at the small window in front of him, various thoughts racing through his mind. Maybe this was all momentarily, and it should end soon.

Still, he doesn't really know how to confront Ohm. He's never been one to be so tense around somebody but with him. Well, his real personality wasn't and it was just weird.

He felt afraid to look into his own heart and to admit the fact that he's beginning to have genuine feelings for him. They don't actually belong in the same world and that's just scary. But it's another story whenever Ink was around, it's a sight that strucks an indescribable jealousy.

'Was I being envious? No, I don't think so. I just don't like her, that's all.' He reassured himself for the millionth consequtive times and sighed collectively.

He's constantly find himself in a downward spiral of feeling emotionally drained and stressed out over something he can't control.

Trapped in an endless dilema as if seemingly given a choice between happiness and priority, and that's basically the state he was in.

As the icy quiet greeted him once more, he moved to the edge of his bed, sat down on the floor, and hugged his knee. Sad tears slowly leaving a wet trace on his cheek and by the second goes by, he was sobbing even harder.

'What should I do, mom?' He muttered grievously.

-Spectator's House-

"Commander, I think you need to see this."

Ohm instantly turned his head to Lin, eyes grew wide at the unexpected news. For a second, he wondered if he even seeing it right.

"Isn't that Mr. Nanon's manager?" Danika added.

He followed her gaze only to see to a familiar figure that turned out to be Frank going in and out a big building owned by a big mafia in the city. He refrained from making any random speculation just yet however, but entering a domain that belongs to a cabal isn't just for ordinary people like him. At the very least, not with such ease.

"What was he doing in that territory?" Lin questioned again and looked up to Ohm. "Shouldn't we inform Mr. Nanon about this~"

"No!" Ohm stated solidly before adding. "Run a background check on him first and we'll figure out the reason the did that."

"Yeah.. About that." Will intervened as everyone shifted their attention to him tapping the 'enter' key on the keyboard loudly.

Like one would expect from someone who has IT ingenuity, Will is always ahead of everyone.

"Brief us." Ohm gave him a nod.

"He's an orphan from House of Hope Orphanage, both parents died in a car crash and he's adopted at eight by a rich family who couldn't have children but he was disowned a year later. Nanon's grandfather adopted him when he was 12 and raised him since."

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