Demons Episode 19- Bad Ending

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___________Ice bow mountain________

Silver: I'm ready for this mountain! See, I even got my Sweater, shawl and all with me.

Clark: *CALM* I'm ready for it too.

Silver looks at Clark who was wearing the black jacket that Korey had given to him.

Silver: huh? You still have that jacket?

Clark: yes. Had you thought that I lost it?

Silver: no, just asked. Anyways, will this jacket help you keep warm for this cold?

Clark: yes.

Clark looks at Silver.

Clark: your mother has given me this jacket for this cold right?

Clark walks.

Silver: hm? How stupid. Mom had given only one jacket to him. I think he should had brought something else for him too.

Silver walks too.

Silver: it's too cold here right?

Clark: I don't feel cold anymore!

Silver: *SIGH* he's gone mad wearing that jacket.

_____while walking

Clark: I'm excited to go to the next city!

Silver: how is this place THAT cold?

Clark: it's not cold at all.

Silver: humph!

Clark turns and looks at Silver who was staring at his jacket.

Clark: what happened Silver?

Silver: huh? Nothing.

They reach ahead.

Silver: no... I can't walk anymore.

Clark: *SMILE* the way is clean from demons, just walk for some seconds. see, that red bodied snow demon isn't here, we are safe till now.

Silver: I can't walk now...

Silver kneels on the ground. Clark stops then turns and looks at Silver.

Clark: huh? *CALM* Silver, are you okay?

Silver: no.....

Silver stays calm.

Clark: huh? You are scaring me now Silver.

Clark kneels then sits on the ground.

Clark: what's wrong, Silver?

Silver: I'm... Feeling weak.

Clark: Silver.... Are you feeling cold?

Silver: yes...

Clark: are you feeling cold? What can I do now to make you feel good? *SAD* uhh..... Wait.... *ALERT* SILVER!

Clark holds Silver's hand then he takes her away from the place they were.

Silver: hey! What happened!?!

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