Demons Episode 38- Fight Between The Demons

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Zaebos: so this is all done by your loving deary Clark.

Silver gets shocked then looks at Lycus.

Silver: L- Lycus? He's Clark!!

Zaebos: now don't keep looking at Lycus, Deary Silver. Just look around, you'll find more.

The lanterns around then light. They get to see the place now. They see two people lying on the ground, who were Titan and Revlis.

Silver: *SHOCKED* huh!?! h- how did they....

Zaebos: don't worry, they are still alive and can hear what you say. But they are suffering from my poison, I've told you that, my venom hurts the whole body, too painfully. Now they are going to die a very painful death.

Lycus: Gr, why did you do that!?!

Zaebos: hm? I wanted to do that so I just did. They had also hit me three times. So I just made them suffer.


Zaebos: hey Lycus. I see, the demon hunter mind was unable to get changed by the Human Clark's, but you managed to do it and fell in the feeling of loving and caring and got yourself in the side of humans. But this won't work.

Lycus: SHUT UP!!

Zaebos: good good good, Clark is dying, Lycus is surviving. You are getting angry, like demons. Soon you'll forget all about humans, and become a complete demon.

Lycus: *CALM* No...

Zaebos: aww, I see you are thinking of killing me. But I won't die by myself, or just by falling on the ground and getting buried. Someone should kill me.

Lycus glares at Zaebos.

Zaebos: what Lycus? Are you thinking to fight me? You say that you'll defeat me in a fight? Hah! You are not even a little trained. Just a rat against a beast.

Lycus: let it be.

Silver looks at Lycus, Lycus looks at Silver.

Silver: *CALM* are you... Thinking of a fight?

Lycus: uhh... *CALM* I should.

Silver: uhh....

Zaebos: hey Deary Silver, are you worried? Don't get worried, he'll just die in a second that will not even give you time to worry.

Zaebos glares at Lycus.

Zaebos: let's begin it.

Zaebos smiles at Lycus who was glaring at him. Lycus stops glaring.

Lycus: huh?

Zaebos: I know Lycus, an untrained creature can do nothing. You spent all your years transformed into human, Clark, I was a demon, I trained myself everyday. And.. You even ate all bushy grass, not even a single piece of meat. You are too weak.

Lycus: let it be, I'm still strong as a red disaster.

Zaebos: oh yes yes, you won't even be able to touch my hair. come on, let's see who's stronger.

Lycus quickly moves to Zaebos then  moves his fist at Zaebos's face, Zaebos dodges it but soon Lycus moves his other fist to Zaebos, but Zaebos dodges it too, Lycus moves to Kick Zaebos but Zaebos holds his leg.

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